
#11 indeterminate floating point exceptions

Release 3.0
Assimp lib (91)

Some of the models I'm importing end up with a few -1.#IND values in them (NaN on linux). I've only seen them show up in the calculated tangent and bitangent values. This happened with the jeep and dwarf model in the test/models folder. Here's how I'm calling ReadFile:

const aiScene* scene = importer.ReadFile( inputFile,
aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace |
aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices |
aiProcess_Triangulate |
aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals |
aiProcess_ImproveCacheLocality |
aiProcess_RemoveRedundantMaterials |
aiProcess_FixInfacingNormals |
aiProcess_SortByPType |
aiProcess_FindDegenerates |
aiProcess_FindInvalidData |
aiProcess_GenUVCoords |
aiProcess_TransformUVCoords |
aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes |
aiProcess_OptimizeGraph );


  • Alexander Gessler

    Sorry, but why do you create the same artifact three times?

    We have seen it, and we will certainly take a look at it (our free time is always spare!). Be patient, please. Or try fixing it yourself and contribute a patch.

    Bye, Alex

  • Kenny Riddile

    Kenny Riddile - 2010-04-27

    I'm not sure why it was created multiple times, but it certainly wasn't intentional. Take your can I complain when you guys have already given me so much for free. Keep up the good work!

  • Alexander Gessler

    • priority: 5 --> 9
  • Kim Kulling

    Kim Kulling - 2013-10-11
    • status: open --> pending
    • Group: --> Release 3.0
  • Kim Kulling

    Kim Kulling - 2013-10-11