Anonymous - 2003-11-20

At first, let's have a look at some of the generic design priciples. These should be fairly obvious.
If you don't like these, be sure to look out for another game, as these are generally agreed upon by the developers. This is more for clarification.
There should be no surprises here, if you really want a flame war, wait for the next part.

1.1    The core system will be adapted to intuitive, computer-based playing.
1.2    Arianne will be a roleplaying-game, but not a storytelling-game
1.3    The rules will be split up into three parts:
1.3.1    a simulation-part, which is intended to be realistic and complex enough, to re-play events we have read in popular books or movies (but not necessarily more)
1.3.2    a gameplay-part, which dampens (or enhances) the advert effects of too much (or too less) realism, and deals with computer-RPG-specific problems (Player-killing, computer-based cheating, etc.)
1.3.3    a Gameworld-part, which copes with the limitations of the Real Existing Gameworld onto the above parts
1.4    The Simulation core system of Arianne will be skill-based.
1.5    The gameplay-part will award long-time players, that add value to the game - by roleplaying, making up interesting characters, playing NPCs, doing design-work, etc.