
stendhal gui/client modification

  • titanium

    titanium - 2008-01-21

    Hello all- I found I was getting annoyed with my bag, minimap, character information, (Settings) all covering up the "ground" that I could see, and when minimised, I couldn't see their information.

    I want to try and modify the stendhal client gui, following the discussion here:

    I suggest we keep corpse and definitely menus still on the "ground". 

    The file I need to modify is j2Dclient, right?  I plan to add another panel to add to the side of the existing frame.

    more info as I think of it...

    • dsaavedra

      dsaavedra - 2008-10-15

      any news?

      • dsaavedra

        dsaavedra - 2008-10-16

        i was also looking to do that, so ill talk with them. but first ill do some bugs to get more knowledge on the project.....

    • Katie Russell

      Katie Russell - 2008-10-15

      titanium_geek please coordinate your efforts with the code cleanup and gui refactoring already being done by durkham (astridemma) and others.

      • dsaavedra

        dsaavedra - 2008-10-16

        i was also looking to do that, so ill talk with them. but first ill do some bugs to get more knowledge on the project.....

        PD: here is where it should be...



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