
Sheep ideas

  • Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin

    In order to know what AI is "thinking" I have added an icon to show it. What do you think?

    • Steve Ierodiaconou

      exellent idea. This will help to know whether its trying to follow or not.


    • kim purnell

      kim purnell - 2005-05-05

      my sheeps! yea!  I like that idea.  Is that one sheep thinking of a hamburger? 

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Umm, that the best I have been able to think about when thinking about food :D

        • kim purnell

          kim purnell - 2005-05-06

          Its a big mac with cheese!!  heh    One is thinking about you and I don't want to guess what the other two thinking.  ;)

    • Sal Z

      Sal Z - 2005-05-06


      How do you plan to put an explanation of every status in the game? (so the user does not have to read a manual to discover what his sheeps wants...)

      • Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin

        oohh, no, no, I have been misunderstood...
        Idea icon is just for knowing what the stupid sheep is wanting to do... see it like a (fun) way of debuging.

        • Nobody/Anonymous

          Ah, Ok.There is no tamagotchi for this release :)

          Indeed, for a second i thought you were implementing a "Sim-Sheep" feature!

    • kim purnell

      kim purnell - 2005-05-06

      the first one is thinking "I love miguel", and can't you tell from the big mac that the 2nd one is hungry?  (the other two may be looking for the rest room)

      • Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin

        They just show some simple ideas:
        - walk ( no shitting like you though :P )
        - following ( the one with the boy )
        - moving to food
        - eating

        Eating takes now just 1 turn, perhaps I can change to take more turns so icon is more visible.

    • kim purnell

      kim purnell - 2005-05-07

      They are telepathic sheep.  They can make us read thier thoughts.  Hee

    • kim purnell

      kim purnell - 2005-05-12

      and the sheep dreamed of hamburgers............yummmmm

    • kim purnell

      kim purnell - 2005-05-21

      I been trying to get my sheep to go through the gate (which appears to be difficult by the way - I haven't figured out the sheep mentality, I think my sheep is on drugs) to go to the plains and I forget you can just go to next map and sheep will be there, which is nice.

      I do really like the hamburger btw, it makes me laugh.  :-D

      • Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin

        On new version (0.11) say sheep and the sheep will find a path to your position. :)

      • kim purnell

        kim purnell - 2005-05-21

        they also perform telekinesis.

    • kim purnell

      kim purnell - 2005-05-25

      I think my sheep has multiple personalities.

    • kim purnell

      kim purnell - 2005-06-01

      I thought the rats in the dungeon had gotten my sheep, then it came running to me from the other direction, I guess it had gone all the way around.  lol

      Then I visited heaven after I was killed by rats.  It was very nice.....there was an angel. 



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