

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I may be mistaken, but I thought I read that this project was also wanting some bg music.  If I am wrong please correct me.  Thanks.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Yes, we need musicians, badly. Especially ones with good software and equipment.

    • Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin

      Yes, that is correct.

    • Shoe

      Shoe - 2002-06-25

      Heard that the game needs bg music. what format would the music need to be in? MP3, DLS, etc? What style?

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        OGG, MP3, IT

        About style it is free.

    • Chagall Hannah

      Chagall Hannah - 2002-08-19

      Are you looking for film-style game music, or more rock-type stuff?

      I'd be happy to help out. I've done a couple of pieces for and can get you other musicians if needed, as well. Just add me or let me know what you need. (brassfire at

      You have sfx already?

    • J.R. Wessels

      J.R. Wessels - 2002-10-12

      I was on another game project but it sorta just "died" into the realm of abandon.  There are two background ogg musics from it that the musician that did it put into GPL for it.  Where do I put them, send them to?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      i am a musicion... electronic...

      and would like to help in any way. i do midi,
      and other tracker progs.

      as well as complicated synthesis and sound.

      get in touch with me here



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