
Arianne's Mailing Lists

  • Katie Russell

    Katie Russell - 2010-08-04

    Arianne's developer mailing list (arianne-devel) used to be well used, but is now used a handful of times a year. Arianne-general is used even less.

    I think this is for a positive reason : the IRC forums are a much more convenient way to communicate and they are logged for reading later.
    People requiring help or development discussion from outside the project often use the forums, and these also seem convenient and well responded to.

    We do have three mailing lists which are useful, arianne-announce, arianne-bugs and arianne-commits. -bugs and -commits get automatically populated with bug reports and code commits.
    -announce is used to announce new releases and other one off announcements.

    I propose we drop -devel and -general.
    Or at least, automatically reject messages from non-members and send a reject message suggesting a more effective way to communicate with the team.
    Right now they get so much spam that genuine messages could be being missed, though the list maintainers try hard to check it.

    We could add a list like arianne-bugs called arianne-features, which automatically mails new feature requests.

    What do people think about these ideas?

  • Hendrik Brummermann

    I think we should keep arianne-general because that address is used as contact information on third party websites like happy penguin. I guess being used on websites is the reason why there is so much spam in the moderatin queue.



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