
#201 to previsualize


I believe that the one of extreme utility the implementation of a system of
priorities to the headed ones of file that can be previsualized before the
other parts of such


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I believe that you need to go back to school, learn how to use grammar and punctuation, and learn how to make sense. How are the developers suppose to improve the product if they cannot understand a flipping thing that you either say, or mean? Seriously, come on now.

  • eld1e6o

    eld1e6o - 2007-07-27

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    Originator: YES

    Disculpa si mi inglés no es perfecto, PERO SOY DE ARGENTINA Y ACÁ HABLAMOS CASTELLANO y lo único que intenté fue dar una opinión para mejorarlo, lo cual creo que está mas que bien. No necesito volver a la escuela y si te interesa estoy terminando la universidad OK? Antes de preocuparte por criticar tan seriamente te podrías haber preocupado por dar tu punto de vista. Saludos y perdón si mi inglés no es muy bueno

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Cry me a river? If your english doesn't make sense then you're hardly helping. Learnnnn it. ;]

  • eld1e6o

    eld1e6o - 2007-07-28

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Excuse if my English is not perfect, BUT I AM OF ARGENTINA AND HERE WE SPOKE CASTILIAN and the only thing that I tried was to give an opinion to improve it, which I believe that it is but that well. I do not need to return to the school and if it interests to you I am finishing university OK? Before criticizing so seriously you could have been worried to give your point of view. And I am not going away to worry to study but English so that people as you criticize… Greetings and excuses if my English is not very good

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I already know what you said. If you were going to bitch at me in spanish or whatever, don't bother saying it in english. Your english sucks, that was my whole point. Learn it already. xD

  • eld1e6o

    eld1e6o - 2007-07-30

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    I am glad if you are amusing yourself. obvious when I also can I do it. At this moment the only thing that interests to me is to give a constructive critic to improve the program. It does not interest to me to learn English. You understood everything perfectly what I said (beyond since is saying, not even I have obligation to do it and helps). More it is amused to do this anonymously? It does not bother to me nor it matters. If you wanted to speak in serious you would put your name of user. I do not respond more unless this boring one like now. Luck

  • eld1e6o

    eld1e6o - 2007-07-30

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    I am glad if you are amusing yourself. obvious when I also can I do it. At this moment the only thing that interests to me is to give a constructive critic to improve the program. It does not interest to me to learn English. You understood everything perfectly what I said (beyond since is saying, not even I have obligation to do it and helps). More it is amused to do this anonymously? It does not bother to me nor it matters. If you wanted to speak in serious you would put your name of user. I do not respond more unless this boring one like now. Luck

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Man, you seriously cry like a 12 year old. I simply said to try to make sense in your posts, which you aren't. You're trying to be helpful, but people don't know what the hell you're saying. You say things that don't make sense. The developer probably scratches his head while trying to figure your post out. God.


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