
#9 Auto merge/delete archive backup files after x days


Would be nice if within the create/edit target dialog
there was an option available to have Areca
automatically remove or merge old archive files upon
its next backup job. Give the user the option to
specify how many days (or hours) old the archive must
be before it will remove it.

For instance, I have a target set to backup a folder
on my server every 8 hours, however, the server has
limited hard drive space and I really only need to
restore archives no older than a week or two. This
functionality would save space and eliminate the old
archives I am no longer interested in.

The option would depend on whether the target is an
incremental backup or not. If incremental, than
merge all archives that meet or exceed the x number
of day old. If not incremental, than simply delete
the old files.


  • Aaron

    Aaron - 2006-08-24

    Screen shot of what this option might look like

  • aventin

    aventin - 2006-08-24

    Logged In: YES


    Good idea !

    In fact, it could be implemented as a "post backup" task :
    the user would choose wether he wants to run a standard
    areca command (merge or delete) after backup, or for
    instance a shell/beanshell script (as asked in feature
    request #1537092)

    Note that you can already do that if you use Areca's command
    line interface (which seems to be the case since your
    backups seem to be automated ): You can create a shell
    script which embeds two calls to Areca : a first one to run
    the backup and a second one to merge your archives (see
    Areca's user manual for the exact syntax)

  • aventin

    aventin - 2006-11-06

    Logged In: YES

    Available in v4.0 (as a post processor)


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