
#104 user account activate/disactivate

Steve Pugh

This patch allows user accounts to be disactivated (and
re-activated). Once an account is disactivated, the
user cannot log in. This could be done, for example,
when a user leaves the organisation. The user is not
deleted from the database because his record may be
required for audit trail or history view purposes.

Please note, a new boolean field is required to the
"party" table and needs seting to true initially. This
can done with this SQL:

alter table parties add column active bool;
update parties set active = true;


  • Steve Pugh

    Steve Pugh - 2006-11-08

    user disactivation patch

  • Alan Pevec

    Alan Pevec - 2006-11-08

    Logged In: YES

    First thing: please, pretty please, when you make any data
    model change, provide a properly packaged SQL upgrade script
    i.e. increase version in application.xml, register upgrade
    script in src/<APP>.upgrade and put the SQL upgrade scripts
    under sql/<APP>/upgrade/<DB>-<FROM>-<TO>.sql (which usually
    just includes actual scripts from ../<DB>/upgrade/<FROM>-<TO>/)

    2nd point: this features seem to be similar to "ability to
    ban users" which RuntimeC added in r1169. Difference is that
    RC checks this in UserContext i.e. for each access. Benefit
    is that users get banned immediatelly even if they have
    persistent cookies (Remember me). Disadvantage is an
    additional DB hit for each access, that's the reason I added
    config param waf.user_ban_on which is false (no ban
    checking) by default.

    Question for RuntimeC/Magpie: what was your user requirement
    - wouldn't be enough to check for banned/inactive user only
    during the login (like Bristol did here) and not for each
    request? If persistent cookies worry you, you can disable
    them with waf.kernel.remember_login=false

  • Steve Pugh

    Steve Pugh - 2006-11-09

    Logged In: YES

    I haven't been including appliation.xml in my patches
    because our "local" revision numbers won't necessarily match
    those in the current trunk. Likewise, the problem with
    creating a versioned upgrade script is that I have now way
    of knowing when my patch will be incorporated into the
    Aplaws trunk and therefore which aplaws versions the upgrade
    will apply to. Perhaps this is an area where guidance is
    required for patch submitters?

    I didn't realize runtime had done a similar patch. Actually
    I asked about this subject on the forum just in case anyone
    had been working on it. Unfortunately no-one replied so I
    assumed it was OK to write the patch. Perhaps the patches
    could be "merged" with an switch to choose which method to
    use, i.e. checking on every request or only at log in time?

  • Alan Pevec

    Alan Pevec - 2006-11-09

    Logged In: YES

    Please register for the Developer role at
    As said in the last APLAWS UG, I'd like to see more
    developers to monitor development (via commit mailing list)
    and use the trunk APLAWS+ version.
    All patch contributors get the write access to the trunk and
    are encouraged to merge their patches asap.
    The idea is that submitting patches early and piece-wise,
    we'll get them tested and fixed more quickly, in contrast
    with the current approach where we have massive patches
    submitted just before the release.

  • Steve Pugh

    Steve Pugh - 2006-11-21

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Since I have now tested the "ban" feature in the 1.0.4 code, anmd there is no point having two patches that do nearly the same, and I have decided to chage my patch to provide a different but similar feature.

    We also have a requirement which is to (optionally) allow users to access the content-center on an external URL. However we don't necessarily want to give this access to all users in the system. Therefore I will rename my "active" field to "resticted", and instead it will have the meaning of restricting login on certain (virtual) hosts.

    Therefore I would suggest not to merge this patch into the trunk just yet.


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