
#339 Motion Tracking


Maybe this is outside the scope of AOI, but motion tracking could be an idea?


  • Peter Eastman

    Peter Eastman - 2011-09-24

    Could you elaborate? What exactly do you want to do?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-09-24

    Something like what's in blender. I saw phantomchick's compositing with AOI and I think it would be cool if there was motion tracking/matchmoving in AOI.

  • Nik Trevallyn-Jones

    Unless I've misunderstood - camera-tracking is the ability of software to analyst some existing video and infer the camera movements, pans, zooms, etc that occurred when creating that video. That inferred camera information can then be input into a CGI rendering system, for example AOI, so that the CGI camera the movement, zoom, etc of the camera in the original video.

    So when the original video and the CGI rendering are combined, they match.

    What (I know) users would like is:

    a) take video with a camcorder including some physical location, eg a room, and optionally with actors within it;

    b) use some camera tracking feature to infer the camera movement, pans, zoom etc from that video, and make the AOI rendering camera follow (track) those movements, pans, and zooms.

    c) create further scenery and/or actors in AOI, and render them into the existing video - with matching camera movement.

    Basically, it requires analysing the existing video frame-by-frame to work out how the viewpoint has changed between the frames, thereby inferring the camera movement.

    The complication lies in differentiating between camera movement and object movement...


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-09-26
    • priority: 5 --> 6
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-10-07
    • priority: 6 --> 5

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