
Live duplicates of children objects

  • Kiro Neptosia

    Kiro Neptosia - 2015-03-03

    If one makes live duplicate of an object and its children (by selecting them all), a live duplicate is created for each object (which is fine), but the parent/child relation is lost: all the duplicate objects are at the same root level. I have to rearrange them in a tree structure manually, which can take some time. Is there a way to achieve that automatically?

  • Luke S

    Luke S - 2015-03-04

    Doing this would take some changes in core code, or a custom Duplicate handling script. I don't see why this could not be done, it would just be a matter of scanning the object list just like the core command does, and watching for Parent>Child relationships while doing so.

  • Kiro Neptosia

    Kiro Neptosia - 2015-03-04

    I was also thinking of making a script for that, if it can be done. I will look into the API.

  • Pete

    Pete - 2015-03-04

    Idea for a new plugin? "Live duplicates with children".

    The job sounds like:
    - Find the objects in the selection that don't have parents.
    - Use recursion to make new copies of the entire "child tree".
    - Including copying and reconnecting all animation tracks ... Don't know how far you can go with that, though, as there are quite a few different types of animation tracks and they may be connected to many different things ... Might get a little messy.


    Last edit: Pete 2015-03-04
  • Pete

    Pete - 2015-03-04

    About API:

    In LayoutWindow: getSelectedObjects() or getSelectedIndices() or getSelectionWithChildren(). The latter two produce only index numbers, so you'll have to get the Object(Info)s by getScene().getObject().

    In ObjectInfo getParent() and getChildren().

    Should get you started. :)

    • Peter Eastman

      Peter Eastman - 2015-03-07

      This sounds like a good change in any case. When possible, live
      duplicates should preserve the relationship.


  • Peter Eastman

    Peter Eastman - 2015-03-08

    Ok, the changes are checked in. Give it a try.



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