
additional object move mode

  • Nik Trevallyn-Jones

    Hi All,

    Again, I am asking for discussion of proposed features before submitting an RFE.

    follow-me move

    In line with a number of CAD packages I have seen, I am suggesting a mode that moves objects without requiring a mouse button be depressed for the duration of the move. It would work something like this:

    1. select follow-me mode
    2. select one or more objects - release all mouse buttons
    3. move the mouse - the obejct(s) follow
    4. exit follow-me mode - either clicking again, or hitting a button eg, <esc> or <return>.

    The follow-me mode could be selected by a new tool button, or (probably better) using the existing move tool, and a modified click (shift-click and control-click are already in use, so <alt>-click perhaps?).

    Any thoughts or suggestions?


    • Henrique

      Henrique - 2004-12-10

      Its remember me the Light Wave's Magic Bevel tool
      it's a fantastic extrude tool. just one mouse click will create  many extrusions acording to move and velocity.
      this tool would be cool (fast modeling) in AoI

    • OniOid

      OniOid - 2004-12-10

      Given the context of my most recent RFE, it's icing on a crumbly cake, but attractive and doubtless, tasty, icing just the same. ;)



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