
Procedural Textures - Is it possible to modify the hue of a gradient?

Kevin D.
  • Kevin D.

    Kevin D. - 2016-12-18

    I've noticed that the descussion around here is focused on the future of AOI, but I have an good, old fashioned question for everyone. The title mostly says it all. Basically, I have a noise module and a color gradient module plugged into the diffuse channel. This creates a simple 2-colored noise pattern. What I would like to do is have the gradient cycle through hues based on time. This is the same effect as changing the master hue in Gimp. All the colors move around the color wheel while staying in the same positions relative to each other. I'm thinking that I could have multiple gradients and blend between them in a very specifiy way, but that solution seems really clunky. A preferable solution would be to have a reverse HSL module that could split a color into it's HSL components. Any ideas?

  • Pete

    Pete - 2016-12-18

    Somethig like this on your mind?

    I quickly tried something built out of just 3 initial colors, but that one did not work the way I was meaning it to (just started with a noise pattern and turned everything white...) Probably shoud have tried with something like periodic custom curves or sin-waves. I may try that later. :) That should provide more freedom to adjust the outcome... Like the color gradients varying at different speeds...


    Last edit: Pete 2017-01-04
  • Kevin D.

    Kevin D. - 2016-12-19

    That works great! I should have thought of that. Thanks.


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