
#488 SP Manager Does not handle groovy scripts.

Luke S

As title states. SPmanager refuses to list .groovy scripts, even when they have the proper XML headers.

I know that this is a plugin, but since it ships with core in the standard install, and groovy scripts seem to be the futuer of AOI scripting, thought that this deserved a core bug report.

SPManager seems to use file suffixes to filter for acceptable files, but a naive attempt to add .groovy to the accepted files has so far failed.


  • Peter Eastman

    Peter Eastman - 2015-06-12

    A search of the source code finds 12 different occurrences of ".bsh". Most likely we just need to go through and update all of them, but I haven't studied it carefully yet.

  • Nik Trevallyn-Jones

    I didn't write this code, but I have been maintaining it for years.

    There may be implications for both the client (Java code) and the server (C code).

    I will have a look and see if I can easily:

    a) include groovy scripts
    b) make the code more generic so other types can be more easily added.


  • Luke S

    Luke S - 2015-06-13

    @Peter: I'm getting 11, are there a couple of versions out there?

    @Nik: There is server code? I thought the repository was just a directory structure in the aoisp web space.

  • Nik Trevallyn-Jones

    @Luke: If I recall correctly, SPManager supports both a native mode (scan remote directories), and a server-assisted mode (server scans local directories). The server-assisted mode was always much faster, so everyone kept it enabled (it was enabled by default, I think), and so I think the native mode may no longer work completely (I would have to test).

    Anyway, in server-assisted mode, the server code reads the version.txt file, reads the XML header (embedded as a comment) in script files, and can open ZIP files to find the plugin XML file inside plugin JAR files.

    I suspect the server would have to be updated to scan groovy scripts as well.

    Both server and SPManager java plugin need to find metadata from the downloaded file:
    - for a plugin JAR, the metadata is stored in an XML file inside the JAR;
    - for a bash script, it is XML in a comment at the top of the file.

    Some questions:

    Q1: Where do the Groovy scripts store the AOI plugin XML metadata?
    Q2: are groovy scripts packaged as text files only?
    Q2.1 do we ship groovy scripts as compiled byte-code?
    Q2.1.1 do we ship compiled groovy scripts as .JAR, .CLASS, or something else?


  • Luke S

    Luke S - 2015-06-13

    Q1: The ones I've seen so far have it right at the top, just like a beanshell script.
    Q2: I believe so. Groovy packaged as bytecode would actually be a normal plugin, comiled to a jar, and so far we've only use groovy for scripts that are compiled at runtime.

    example attached. (still needs tweaking, but should be functional enough to test)

  • Luke S

    Luke S - 2015-08-31

    And, just did a tiny little experiment. I can confirm that the java client-side scan does not work, even or plugins or .bsh scripts.

    Have not really dug into why this is, and do not have access to the server-side code anyway, just wanted to add a bit of info.


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