
AIStockBot / News: Recent posts

Fresh Start

After a long break for this project we prepare it now for a fresh start.

This entails a freeze in the current feature development of the 0.2 branch. The code for this version (currently 0.2-4 beta-2) is still available, but will receive only bug fixes.

A new branch 0.3 will be created and development starts from scratch with a changed design and the experience from the previous development in mind.

We would like to express our eternal gratitude to vooch for initiating this project and releasing the code as open source!... read more

Posted by Frank Schroeter 2011-01-11

John Searles joins the AIStockBot Team

John is a Computer Science major with experience in PHP and MySQL.

His initial project will be on revamping the setup procedure, which has been difficult for most users.

We welcome John to the team and we wish him great success!

AIStockBot is a Technical and Fundamental Stock Analysis program which uses Artificial Intelligence to pick stocks.

Posted by Michael Salvucci 2006-11-22

Nick Kuechler promoted to Project Admin team

Nick Kuechler (aka tanto and jankball) has been promoted to the Project Admin team for the AIStockBot project.

Michael Salvucci, founder of AIStockBot stated, "Nick has been involved with AIStockBot since the early stages and has always been active in the development process. He deserves this promotion."

We congratulate Nick and look forward to a successful 2006!

Posted by Michael Salvucci 2006-01-12

aistockbot-0.2-03 released

AIStockBot is proud to release its newest version (0.2-03). This release is available in .zip format.

Posted by Michael Salvucci 2005-02-11

aistockbot-0.2-02 released

AIStockBot is proud to release its newest version (0.2-02). AIStockBot is an open source project which uses Artificial Intelligence to pick stocks using various methods. After AIStockBot gathers the necessary company data, it begins formulating a rule set and decides which stocks to buy or sell. Utilizing a process developed by Vooch, AIStockBot's goal is to pick stocks better than you can. AIStockBot is also open to those who wish to write their own methods.... read more

Posted by Michael Salvucci 2004-07-17

aistockbot-0.2-01 released

This is the first version of the 0.2-x release.

This version contains the new "ai_<foobar>" tables and script references.

You'll also see some new features under construction.

Posted by Michael Salvucci 2004-05-06

aistockbot-0.1-16 released

This is the last version of the 0.1-x release. All subsequent versions will have the new "ai_<foobar>" tables and script references.

Our next release will be 0.2-1.

Posted by Michael Salvucci 2004-04-16

Stephan Bandelow joins the AIStockBot Dev Team

AIStockBot is a Technical and Fundamental Stock Analysis program which uses Artificial Intelligence to pick stocks.

Stephen has recently finished his PhD in cognitive psychology where he worked on neural net models of linguistic skills. He would like to use that background for stock prediction.

He specializes in SQL, C/C++ and Perl, but is willing to learn PHP.

We welcome Stephan to the team and we wish him great success!

Posted by Michael Salvucci 2003-12-03

Owe Jessen joins the AIStockBot Development Team

Owe is finishing up his masters in Economics and is interested in working with Neural Networks on AIStockBot.

We wish him great success with AIStockBot!

Posted by Michael Salvucci 2003-11-18

Mike joins the AIStockbot Project Development Team

Mike (last name withheld by request) joins the AIStockBot Project Development Team.

Mike will be helping us on the SEC's EDGAR to XML to MySQL project.. While I know it will be a difficult task, I wish him well and we'll all here to help.

I would like to welcome and thank him for joining the AIStockBot Development Team!

  • Vooch
Posted by Michael Salvucci 2003-10-30

Zamil Murji joins the AIStockBot Dev Team

Zamil Murji joins AIStockBot Project Development Team.

Zamil will be helping us on the SEC's EDGAR to XML to MySQL project.. While I know it will be a difficult task, I wish him well and we'll all here to help.

I would like to welcome and thank him for joining the AIStockBot Development Team!

  • Vooch
Posted by Michael Salvucci 2003-10-30

Max Feng joins AIStockBot Project Development Team

Max Feng joins AIStockBot Project Development Team.

Max will be helping us on the SEC's EDGAR to XML to MySQL project.. While I know it will be a difficult task, I wish him well and we'll all here to help.

We should be releasing version 0.0-9 shortly.

I would like to welcome and thank Max for joining the AIStockBot Development Team!

Posted by Michael Salvucci 2003-09-26

Lawrence D. Brenninkmeyer joins the AIStockBot Team

AIStockBot welcomes Lawrence D. Brenninkmeyer to the AIStockBot Development Team.

Lawrence will work with Mac OS issues. If you use Mac OS and have an installation question, Lawrence (SourceForge ID: ldbrenninkmeyer) will try to answer your question.

We welcome Lawrence and wish him huge success!

Posted by Michael Salvucci 2003-06-23

aistockbot-0.1-08 released

AIStockBot is proud to release its newest version. AIStockBot is an open source project which uses Artificial Intelligence to pick stocks using various methods. After AIStockBot gathers the necessary company data, it begins formulating a rule set and decides which stocks to buy or sell. Utilizing a process developed by Vooch, AIStockBot's goal is to pick stocks better than you can. AIStockBot is also open to those who wish to write their own methods.... read more

Posted by Michael Salvucci 2003-05-23

AIStockBot welcomes Jason Abu-aitah

AIStockBot welcomes Jason Abu-aistah to the AIStockBot Development Team.

Jason will provide us with a background in different Artificial Intelligence theories. He wil theorize on how investing and AIStockBot can be meshed together.

We welcome Jason and wish him huge success!

Posted by Michael Salvucci 2003-05-13

aistockbot-0.1-07 released

AIStockBot is proud to release its newest version. AIStockBot is an open source project which uses Artificial Intelligence to pick stocks using various methods. After AIStockBot gathers the necessary company data, it begins formulating a rule set and decides which stocks to buy or sell. AIStockBot's goal is to pick stocks better than you.

This release contains more changes than any other previous upgrade. We've been very busy in our move towards integrating fundamental data into the analysis. We've made things easier for newcomers, faster for the old users, and we've fixed several things along the way.... read more

Posted by Michael Salvucci 2003-05-02

AIStockBot welcomes Dominic Porreco

AIStockBot welcomes Dominic Porreco to the AIStockBot Development Team.

Dominic's specialties include php, security, and mysql - all of these are essential AIStockBot needs.

Dominic has also provided four security fixes to the project and they will be included in the upcoming next release.

We welcome Dominic and wish him huge success!

Posted by Michael Salvucci 2003-04-19

aistockbot-0.1-06 released

AIStockBot is proud to release its newest version. AIStockBot is an open source project which uses Artificial Intelligence to pick stocks using various methods. After AIStockBot gathers the necessary company data, it begins formulating a rule set and decides which stocks to buy or sell. Utilizing a process developed by Vooch, AIStockBot's goal is to pick stocks better than you can. AIStockBot is also open to those who wish to write their own methods.... read more

Posted by Michael Salvucci 2003-04-07

aistockbot-0.1-05 released

AIStockBot is proud to release its newest version. AIStockBot is an open source project which uses Artificial Intelligence to pick stocks using various methods. After AIStockBot gathers the necessary company data, it begins formulating a rule set and decides which stocks to buy or sell. Utilizing a process developed by Vooch, AIStockBot's goal is to pick stocks better than you can. AIStockBot is also open to those who wish to write their own methods.... read more

Posted by Michael Salvucci 2003-03-19

AIStockBot Welcomes Emyr James

AIStockBot welcomes Emyr James to the AIStockBot Development Team.

Emyr's specialties include physics and programming - a terrific combination for the AIStockBot project.

We welcome Emyr aboard and wish him huge success!

Posted by Michael Salvucci 2002-11-08

aistockbot-0.1.04 released

AIStockBot is proud to release its newest version. AIStockBot is an open source project which uses Artificial Intelligence to pick stocks using various methods. After AIStockBot gathers the necessary company data, it begins formulating a rule set and decides which stocks to buy or sell. Utilizing a process developed by Vooch, AIStockBot's goal is to pick stocks better than you can. AIStockBot is also open to those who wish to write their own methods.... read more

Posted by Michael Salvucci 2002-11-04

aistockbot-0.1.03 released

AIStockBot is getting better than ever!

0.1.03 11/02/02 - Fixed serious error in calculating moving averages.
close_moving_average_X and volume_moving_average_X were giving
incorrect values because close_moving_total_X and
volume_moving_total_X were not zeroed out when the next
combination was run.
- Changed commission from $10 to 1%
- Changed individual.php and individual_2.php so graphs
can be displayed in 21, 42, 63, 126, 252, 500, 1000, 4000 days
- Changed header.php where Individual Stocks form defaults
at 30-day graph
- Optimized update_signal.php by analyzing only the
companies you would like to review
- Optimized learn.php by analyzing only the companies
you would like to review
- Optimized create_combinations.php algorithm to run shorter
formulas first (and see where php's deficiencies happen)
- Fixed create_rule_potential.php by adding unset()
- Fixed individual.php by adding unset() statements.
- Fixed individual_2.php by adding unset() statements.
- Various cosmetic fixes showing start/end of scripts
- Fixed results.php (gave errors when less than 10 combinations
were tested.

Posted by Michael Salvucci 2002-11-03

aistockbot-0.1.02 released

There's significant changes in this release. Users are encouraged to download it and help in fixing memory leaks. Basically, we need to use the php unset() function to clear out some memory. Contact if you can help out on this.

- Added stage_technical_data.php. This script prepares
the download process so you don't keep redownloading
every stock multiple times per day.
- Changed update_technical_data.php to reference where
download=1 instead of active=1 so I can pick off where
I left off in a download process.
- Added STEP: Update Signal (update_signal.php) which creates
buy/sell recommendations based on the best combination in
the results table.
- Added STEP: Recommendation which gives the daily
- Added a fixed $10 commission on every trade. We'll improve
that later.
- Fixed individual.php and individual_2.php so JpGraph
would work with php-4.2.0
- Added update_company_active.php which activates/deactivates
companies based on which form is used on index.php
- Added update_variable.php which changes the active level
of a variable (used on main page index.php)
- Added Field:
On Table: variable
New Field: ID bigint(autoincrement)
- Added table: portfolio
account varchar(10)
ticker varchar(10)
quantity decimal(15,6)
- Added table: transaction... read more

Posted by Michael Salvucci 2002-10-29

aistockbot-0.1.01 released

This is an interim release because it's been a while since I sent an update and I need some help getting jpgraph to work with the newer versions of php. php turned register_global off. Any ideas?

Posted by Michael Salvucci 2002-10-26

Justin Kuepper joins the AIStockBot Dev Team

Justin Kuepper has joined the AIStockBot Project Development Team.

Our upcoming version 0.1.0 is going to be another major release because of the improvements in automated data gathering.

I would like to welcome and thank Justin for joining the AIStockBot Development Team.

Posted by Michael Salvucci 2002-10-26