
aistockbot-0.1-08 released

AIStockBot is proud to release its newest version. AIStockBot is an open source project which uses Artificial Intelligence to pick stocks using various methods. After AIStockBot gathers the necessary company data, it begins formulating a rule set and decides which stocks to buy or sell. Utilizing a process developed by Vooch, AIStockBot's goal is to pick stocks better than you can. AIStockBot is also open to those who wish to write their own methods.

aistockbot-0.1-08 is an important release. The reason is because of it's new Portfolio Management System. It can track the securities you hold.

These are the recent changes to AIStockBot:

aistockbot-0.1-08 dated 05/05/2003:
- added fieldname 'buy_notes' and 'sell_notes' to portfolio table. both of longtext field type.
- added fieldname "id" to portfolio table. bigint(20). auto_increment.
Primary Key.
- added fieldname "username" to portfolio table. varchar(255).
- transaction_add_1.php is new
- transaction_add_2.php is new
- portfolio_output_1.php is new. Shows your portfolio!
- portfolio_output_2.php is new. Shows your portfolio in a graph!
- portfolio_analysis_1.php is new Shows your portfolio's performance.
- Added Date-1.3 php Function PEAR package
- Fix individual.php by closing database at end of script.
- TABLE: "account" now contains: account_id varchar(255), account_name varchar(255), description varchar(255), contact_name varchar(255), phone_number varchar(255), username varchar(255), password varchar(255), notes longtext
- TABLE: "transaction" now contains: account_id varchar(255), date date, time time, action varchar(255), shares decimal(15,6), price decimal(7,6), commission decimal(7,6), net_change decimal(15,6), notes longtext
- include/config.php has new variable called $global_currency. The default is "$".
- header.php added funny quote and Picasso bot menu
- Renamed Salvucci Bot to Van Gogh Bot
- Created new Picasso Bot which allows you to create your formula combination and make the recommendations automatically.
- create_rule_potential.php added close database statement
- On index.php, converted from html to 100% php
- Added Genetic Algorithms back into learn.php again
- Added WHERE completed=0 to combinations query so that we can constantly rerun learn.php without having to erase the results every time.
- TABLE: "combinations" - added field "completed" of data type: (tinyint).

Posted by Michael Salvucci 2003-05-23

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