
#41 Landed Cost Testing Issues


Testing code has been committed and output is as in
How the Test Data is setup is here Each Day of transaction is aligned with Accounting Consequence table so it is easier to correlate to which event produced which set of accounts.
There are some questions that need review from Subject Matter and Development team of e-Evolution to acknowledge.
1. After Landed Cost event, please check if the Cost Cumulative Amt is correct.
2. After Credit Sales, please check if the COGS accounting is correct.
3. In last PDF Inventory Valuation Effective Date report please review why is it zero cost amt.

If you need further clarification of what the testing code really does or need more output data please ask in this tracker.



    AZZAM OTHMAN - 2011-02-13

    Hi Red1,

    I like to add here one more checking : for items with landed cost, after making out transaction for this item ( internal use inventory, shipment ...etc ) : what will be the current quantity for the landed cost element .

    Best Regards.


  • Redhuan D. Oon

    Redhuan D. Oon - 2011-02-13

    I have included a Step 8 in
    which does Cost Detail Generation for Freight Element (Landed Cost Elements) and it produced more better results in COGS accounts as well as the Inventory Effective Date report for Freight shows an amount. I updated the images there, so please refresh again.

    Azzam, please refer to linked output and do your analysis and review on the figures presented there. Then give back feedback of whether its calculated correctly.

  • Redhuan D. Oon

    Redhuan D. Oon - 2011-02-13

    Also like to ask why Internal Use is -2 (following JUnit Average Costing test which uses -5) which increased the Cumulative Qty. Is this correct? Shouldn't it be +2 so that it decreases the inventory?

    We do not seem to match the expected results as stated by Victor of
    * 35 Units of New Product at Current Cost of $22.84.
    * Accounting Facts balance of $799.4448:
    o Product Asset-14120 and
    o Cost Adjust-51300

    Any idea why?

  • Redhuan D. Oon

    Redhuan D. Oon - 2011-02-14

    Dear Azzam Ahmad,
    I have worked out the test for your Landed Cost case in
    Please check the steps are as what you specify and the output makes sense and is accurate. Your feedback is vital to ascertain more usable modifications to both the Testing and the Cost Engine functionality itself.

  • Redhuan D. Oon

    Redhuan D. Oon - 2011-02-15

    Ok, after some long chat with Victor, he has answered me quite all of these issues.
    a. Internal Use qty should be +2, not -2. It was my mistake. Will update wiki with new test output.
    b. Cost Adjust acct should be Product Asset/CoGs as part of the Adjustment from Landed Cost - Victor's mistake in his Guide. I will correct it in the wiki.
    c. For Cost Cumulative Amt, i need to produce the Trx Valuation and Inventory Effective Date in full during test. Will amend the code right away. Then i will update the reports to the CASE II page.

  • Redhuan D. Oon

    Redhuan D. Oon - 2011-02-15

    Already done as stated in previous post. Now i got one small issue in

    About the Adjust COGS does not happen to Freight (LandedCost) Element. I need to have History Cost Update of Cost Element (ID=101) each time after Landed Cost. Is there a better practice?

  • Redhuan D. Oon

    Redhuan D. Oon - 2011-02-15

    Note also that i can get the figure that Azzam wanted in his first case. But i miss by a bit of what Victor expected in his case. It could be the steps missing, but i am quite sure the test code is quite accurate by now.

  • Redhuan D. Oon

    Redhuan D. Oon - 2011-02-24

    Reminding about my earlier comment:
    "About the Adjust COGS does not happen to Freight (LandedCost) Element. I
    need to have History Cost Update of Cost Element (ID=101) each time after
    Landed Cost. Is there a better practice?"

  • Redhuan D. Oon

    Redhuan D. Oon - 2011-02-24
    • assigned_to: nobody --> vpj-cd
    • status: open --> open-remind
  • Victor Perez Juarez

    Hi Red1

    Please Can you set the issues and the step for can replicate?

    kind regards


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