
Employee loans

  • xolali

    xolali - 2012-10-14

    Has anyone been able to handle employee loans in payroll. My thinking is to define a concept but there's no provision for principal amount, period for deduction , balance, interest. Am thinking of adding these extra columns to hr_attribute and also adding another column isLoan in hr_concept, to hide/show these fields.


  • Frankie Figs

    Frankie Figs - 2012-10-14

    Hey Xolali,

    Here is a thread that answers your question:

    It is in spanish so google translate is your good friend or those same people who speak spanish will post here in english.


  • xolali

    xolali - 2012-10-15

    Thanks soo much, google translator did the trick but it doesn't really answer fully the question of loans. It's the same idea I wrote about, the issue here with loans is that we need to keep a balance based on the principal and loan deductions so far. We must also track valid payment period as per ILO rules which does not allow you to deduct more than a certain percentage of basic salary every month. I know these can be implemented in the rules engine but I guess we still need some additional columns in hr_concept and hr_attributes to make things cleaner.
    Any ideas???



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