
What do you want in the ERP Accounting Book?

  • Redhuan D. Oon

    Redhuan D. Oon - 2009-09-05

    Hi people,
    I am trying to write my next course manual for Asia e-University, entitled "ERP Accounting' which is of course based on ADempiere concepts and practice.

    Are there any particular topic or areas in ADempiere about accounting that newbies or others like it to have or touch on? Please ask here, and i try to put into the book.

    Many regards,


      AZZAM OTHMAN - 2009-09-06

      Hi Red1,

      One of the most important features of Adempiere is that is a real time accounting. I suggest to explain how are the accounting transactions generated (in a real time mode) from : 1. Accounting Entries like receipt and payment. 2. Other modules : Purchase, Sales, Manufacturing , Assests,payroll. Graphical representation will be useful. Aslo, the effect when a tranasaction is canceled or reversed.

      The power of Adempiere in creating new forms that have new transactions effects.

      Explain the power of Adempiere in creating easily a user role.

      The audit trail reports ( statements) that can be used to trace the accouting tranasactions and their effects on differnet accounts. Also, the analysis and final reports like trial balance, balance sheet, profit & loss.

      The ability of generating new accounting reports.Their levels and the tools for generating them.

      The Export tools to Excel makes it easy to users to read input from Adempiere and generate new reports.

      This my suggestions.

      Best Regards,

    • Fred Blauer

      Fred Blauer - 2009-09-06

      The parts that I read were very good! I don't know if you cover this, but I would like to understand the mvc based framework better. Also, what happens to customizations when you upgrade to a new version? This seems to be a problem with most systems that I have worked with.

      • Colin Rooney

        Colin Rooney - 2009-09-06

        and that has what to do with Accounting? the question posed!

    • Redhuan D. Oon

      Redhuan D. Oon - 2009-09-06

      Thanks Azzam for your input. I am putting the real-time accounting as perpetual vs periodic accounting in the first chapter and may give further treatment under later chapters. Your other points about audit and reporting tools are important for me to look at also. I will devote a chapter to going into the internals how an accounts posting happen at the code level. It will be fun to make a piece on this.

      I have uploaded my continous draft here (Please ignore the dummy pages after page 9, only the content topic headings are done).

      I am trying to give this module a more casual style and differentiate from other books that are either too startup or too techie. I certainly like graphics and will put lots in to illustrate difficult concepts.

      Thanks again and i look forward to more ideas or suggestions.


  • minh duc

    minh duc - 2010-02-18

    Hi, I'm a Vietnamese student and I'm learning Adempiere ERP accounting. I can't understand all default accounts in Adempiere because there're many accounts that can't be used in Viet Nam. Can you guy please show me some books or links that have detail usage of all default accounts (account type, usage,…) ?


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