
ZKCustomization Not properly Work

  • Arvind Gangwar

    Arvind Gangwar - 2011-02-01

    Hi All,
           I am using Adempiere 354a. I am creating new folder zkwebui and customize the zkwebui classes and create zkcustomization.jar. After that copy zkcustomization .jar and paste in Adempiere_Home/lib/zkcustomization .jar directory and run RUN_SetUp.jar. Start the server and login to webui But change are not reflected in webui.
            So Please anyone suggest the steps to Customize the zkwebui and how to create jar file for zkwebui.

    Arvind Gangwar

  • pedro rozo

    pedro rozo - 2011-02-01

    Hi Arvind,

    First I would suggest you to submit your development questions to the rigth forum (This is functional).

    Second, we founf a similiar issue some months ago, so please take a look to this contribution that we made some weeks ago to build the web customization  jar files and to install them into your adempiere location with ant scripts using eclipse.

    Cheers from Colombia,

    Pedro Rozo.

  • Arvind Gangwar

    Arvind Gangwar - 2011-02-03

    Thanks for your suggestion which is very helpful.


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