
Make a field invisible using callouts

  • Steven

    Steven - 2015-07-21

    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to ADempiere and I'm searching for a way to make a field ( more properly a check box in my tab corresponding the field ) invisible when another field is unchecked.

    For example, I have 2 fields, gantt_view and gantt_maintenance both character(1) and I need to make gantt_maintenance invisible to the user when gantt_view is not checked.

    I was thinking to use callouts but I haven't find any solution yet to get reference of the GUI controls.


  • Enrique Ruibal

    Enrique Ruibal - 2015-07-21

    Hi, you can try the display logic on the application dictionary logged as system user..look out for other screens with similar behavior already there.. I am not sure if display logic will work with char fields

  • Steven

    Steven - 2015-07-23

    Perfect, exactly what I was searching :) it works using display logics. Thanks!


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