
Tire Management

  • Ramiro Vergara

    Ramiro Vergara - 2015-10-13


    I have been engaged by a customer in order to expand ADempiere with a Tire Management Business Process.

    Tire management is considered a special case of Component Management. In this context, equipments may have several components installed (e.g. Engine Turbocharger) and they accumulate life (measured in hours, kilometers, etc.) at the same pace of the equipment, however its life pauses when it is uninstalled. If installed in a new equipment, the component does not reset its life to match the equipment life but continues with the life it had when was uninstalled. If refurbished its life may (or may not) be reset as new but its life limit can be different to a new component of its same kind.

    While developing the tire management process (sponsored) I will keep the design consistent to the broader needs of the Component Management process. The process will be fully integrated with the maintenance management process already existing in ADempiere as an option and I will look for this opportunity to integrate both to the ADempiere trunk.

    General scope of tire management includes:
    1. tire creation
    2. Tire Install
    3. Tire Unistall
    4. Tire management functionality including rotation, measurement of depth, calculation of tire performancestats
    5. Tire refurbish

    Feel free to suggest any general or specific requirement that you consider interesting to be included either in the limited context of tire management or the broader context of component management.

    Based on this community we will continue to enhance business process of the top 1 FOSS ERP in the world.




    Last edit: Ramiro Vergara 2015-10-14
  • Eduardo  López

    Eduardo López - 2015-10-13

    Hi Ramiro,

    Indeed, we have developed a vertical of Professional Transport functionality, including:
    Vehicles and Trailer Management, Drivers Management, Traffic Management, Dispatch Management, Maintenance Management, Tire Management, Fleet Management, Fuel Control and Management. In addition to all, well known features of ADempiere.

    Our Tire Management includes:
    Stock Tire manage, with serial identification.
    Tire Install
    Tire Unistall
    Tire management functionality including rotation, measurement of depth, calculation of tire performancestats
    Tire refurbish
    Record of the tire life.
    We will prepare a document explaining in detail (or video) features of this Tire Management funcionality.



  • mckayERP

    mckayERP - 2015-10-14

    Component management and the ability to track components over their life cycle is very interesting. In the aviation world it is critical and covers nearly every part on the aircraft. Life cycles can be complex with many changes in component config. The ability to build components from sub-components, install components, uninstall, restock and keep track of each serialized part and through it's full lifecyle has many applications.

    If component management can be generalized to allow for customization to fit particular needs - tires, aircraft, manufacturing - it would be a great addition to the ERP.



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