
Adempiere webui is alway run out of memory

  • Pasuwat Wang

    Pasuwat Wang - 2014-02-03

    The one who know how to solve this problem , please kindly help

    I use Adempiere on web and everytime that I run 2-3 report or login to use program more than 1 user
    The Admpiere will taking a very slowly processing and then finally it will not response.

    so I have to restart server everytime

    I think is because JAVA do not return memory
    but i don't how to solve this

    please kindly help

    Thank you in advance

  • Karnevon

    Karnevon - 2014-02-03

    How much memory did you allocate to the jboss and the database? Do you use a customized version of ADempiere or the standard one?

  • Pasuwat Wang

    Pasuwat Wang - 2014-02-03

    The total memory of VPN sever is 3GB (jboss and the database are also use this memory)
    I use ubantu 64 bit

    and I use adempiere version 3.7.1 and customize just only new reports and new programs
    (I did not customize the main process of adempiere)

    .....I didn't know that if I set "ADEMPIERE_JAVA_OPT in file" to be "-Xms64m -Xmx2048m -XX:PermSize=64m -XX:MaxPermSize=2048m". Is it correct or not?

    Thank so much

  • Karnevon

    Karnevon - 2014-02-04

    This is way to much! You allocated 4GB of memory to ADempiere alone. This is more than your system has. Xmx does not include PermSize Memory. The database needs memory too (and if it is filled with data, a lot more to be fast), not to mention the system itself. Go down to 512 xmx and permsize or increase your memory. We have similar parameters, but our system has 40GB Ram.


    Last edit: Karnevon 2014-02-04

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