
Cups Print Spooler name

  • John Grillot

    John Grillot - 2017-06-14

    Hi, I just discovered your ACAS on sorceforge. I downloaded the
    acas-3.01.07.tar.gz. I compiled and installed it successfully. I'm in the
    system set-up on Screen 2 where it asks for the Cups Print Spooler name. I'm
    using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS how do I determine the value to enter in this field?



    • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

      First a question - How have you set up your printer/s in ubuntu?

      For me I use Cups on all Linux systems including Ubuntu v14 and v16.

      If not already installed just use the software manager, then using a web
      browser (Firefox, etc) go to the Cups interface at :


      and set up your printer/s.

      Now using the name in the Printers section look at the Queue name and
      Mine has :

      HP-Officejet-Pro-8600 http://localhost:631/printers/HP-Officejet-Pro-8600


      HP-Photosmart-5520 http://localhost:631/printers/HP-Photosmart-5520

      Select which to use for each of the three settings and it is ok to use
      the same name for all three settings if you only have the one printer.

      Having three is to allow businesses to have printers in multi locations
      such as departments :

      Accounts - where the accounts handles the bulk of the input to the
      system such as IRS

      Of course your business could be different and might require a different
      printer layout or even more printer locations in which case use a common
      printer if needed.

      For testing using just one printer for all 3 settings is fine and will
      work well.

      Allowing the system to have many printers allows one printer to be set
      up to print only invoice stationary for say the sales office.
      This is the normal set up for many of my commercial customers who use
      matrix type printers but some have switch over to Laser printers where a
      template can be loaded the will print an invoice image and this is
      printed at the same time as the content - all very clever.
      Save keeping a matrix printer and continuous paper around.


      On 14/06/17 04:07, John Grillot wrote:

      Hi, I just discovered your ACAS on sorceforge. I downloaded the
      acas-3.01.07.tar.gz. I compiled and installed it successfully. I'm in the
      system set-up on Screen 2 where it asks for the Cups Print Spooler
      name. I'm
      using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS how do I determine the value to enter in this



      • John Grillot

        John Grillot - 2017-06-14

        I set mine up using cups the name is
        Thats too long to fit in that field. What should I do?

        • John Grillot

          John Grillot - 2017-06-14

          Here is the setting screen.

        • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

          You can change the names so I would suggest you do so to below length
          needed for ACAS such as :

          the rest of it is the ip address and sub model so not needed as its
          mostly for you so . .

          Could also remove the MFP bit as well .

          On 14/06/17 16:37, John Grillot wrote:

          I set mine up using cups the name is
          Thats too long to fit in that field. What should I do?

          • John Grillot

            John Grillot - 2017-06-16

            I got this working by doing your suggestions - thank you

  • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

    Did answer this via email but I cannot see ot so will do again here :

    First a question - How have you set up your printer/s in ubuntu?

    For me I use Cups on all Linux systems including Ubuntu v14 and v16.

    If not already installed just use the software manager, then using a web browser (Firefox, etc) go to the Cups interface at :


    and set up your printer/s.

    Now using the name in the Printers section look at the Queue name and Mine has :




    Select which to use for each of the three settings and it is ok to use the same name for all three settings if you only have the one printer.

    Having three is to allow businesses to have printers in multi locations such as departments :

    Accounts - where the accounts handles the bulk of the input to the system such as IRS

    Of course your business could be different and might require a different printer layout or even more printer locations in which case use a common printer if needed.

    For testing using just one printer for all 3 settings is fine and will work well.

    Allowing the system to have many printers allows one printer to be set up to print only invoice stationary for say the sales office.
    This is the normal set up for many of my commercial customers who use matrix type printers but some have switch over to Laser printers where a template can be loaded the will print an invoice image and this is printed at the same time as the content - all very clever.

    Saves keeping a matrix printer and continuous paper around.



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