
Current development Status

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  • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

    Just in case no one noticed -

    Been working on ACAS again in between total house electric re-wires and redecoration which is still on going at least the redec although the sparky has to come back a fit the lights back up every where as we have dangling pendents with a naked bulbs every where!

    Needless to say the office and computer room is not fully ready so primary computer is sitting in my bedroom with screen and keyboard on a set of draws (high up). Hopefully I can start wiring up the CAT 6 sockets with some minor snagging and get all the kit back in and up and running - some time next week.

    So far have -
    1. Made more updates to the Building the ACAS system manual.
    2. Changed the way all the rdbms table load programs work so that they can all be called via a script ( .
    3. This script still needs some more work but basically trying to remember how to capture the return or exit code from a program and branch to another point in the script.
    Reason is all my manuals and tech books are in boxes and so relying on my memory is not a great idea :)
    4. Next back to sytem testing with files for a few quarterly cycles before moving data over to MySQL for further testing.
    5. All testing to be intersperced with updaing or manual wrtting.

    Was hoping to find or write program to help bar code scanning of supermarket goods in my local Tesco's using their online barcode to product tool but this may well turn out to be more problematic that I can cope with at the moment.

    More later.

  • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

    The following manuals have been updated:

    ACAS - Building the ACAS System
    ACAS - IRS
    ACAS- General but only a quick look at so nothing released.

    Tomorrow atarting with Sales Ledger but this will be on going for more during systems testing.

    Any updates will be available from my nightly builds website at

  • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

    As I have made some changes / updates to the manuals as well to a few of the sources which has involved a new nightly build I have updated the svn and the file code base.

    Nothing dramatic - just a bit of WIP (Work in progress)..
    Also spotted that the External link when to an old url that is dead - now updated with the current one.


    Last edit: Vincent (Bryan) Coen 2020-06-06
  • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

    Corrections to some of the previous posts (but not all of them) regarding my server that holds the nightybuilds


    The nightly builds can be found at :

    Where you can find ACAS-Nightly.rar and an experimental OE-nightly.rar which I have migrated over from RM Cobol to GnuCobol - it is not a complete system and the docs is very light weight.

    Removed IP address as now using a dynamic one although the cable modem is rarely reset or turned off/on.


    Last edit: Vincent (Bryan) Coen 2024-02-29
  • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

    Update as of today any way :

    Also reporting in another discussion post elsewere on the ACAS area..

    Although I have included a copy of OE within the nightly builds - Order Entry taken from another system it has many elements missing including connection to General and Payroll.
    I did start migrating it in to ACAS but despite 4+ months of work there are many more weeks that would be needed to integrate it into ACAS and the one feature that it has over ACAS (Salesmen Commisions) is not worth any more time spent on it as it must be linked into general / nominal ledgers and payroll for the commission payments etc.

    The only other functionality it has is Back Order processing and this has been now includined into Sales Invoicing and Stock control. although it has not yet been tested so you all are welcome to do so and let me know of any problems. The Sales and Stock manuals have been updated for BO.

    Basically for BO to work you need to use the latest version of the nightly builds of v3.02 as of tonight at 00:00 GMT (as thats the time they are created) and available at : and select ACAS-Nightly.rar and or OE-nightly.rar.

    So what do you need to do after downloading and installing the sources and building the
    system ?

    Changes made do not efect the records of any existing files but make use of spare spaces taken up by filler.

    Go into parameter set up (option Z) use return to get to SL Sales Ledger params and set to "Y" the BO flag and set if needed the Customer flag where "N" is the default. If set to "Y" for any customer it will allow the invoicing programs to accept a quantity of stock that is above the amount currently in stock other wise it will not. Both of these flags must be set for the BO element to work for a given customer so you will need to change any existing customer records as well, to set this flag to "Y" as well.

    Now when in Invoicing and you set a larger quantity than is in stock it will set it to the on hold quantity and create a record in the bostoim.dat file to record the difference - being the back ordered stock amount. This file can be processed by a new program SL970 that will produce reports both by Customer and stock item for all entries.
    In addition this program can be used to create, amend amd more importantly delete a record that has now been processed when new stock arrives.

    To that end the Stock Additions program has been amended to read the bostkitm file and for any stock that has had new stock, will check if it exists in the file and if so set a Arrived flag.
    This flag is reported for in SL970 as, yes you guessed a "Y" for the reported field.

    That is it for now but one consideration is for the invoicing program to read this file if it exists and has records present to see if any have the Arrived flag set and creates a new invoice. This has not yet been done as it will take some more time to do and I need to get an idea if it is worth the effort as against doing it the manual way of using the SL970 reports as input to the invoicing program.

    So, it is down to you users, do you have an actual need for it ?


    Last edit: Vincent (Bryan) Coen 2024-03-29
  • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

    Nightly builds as available at

    This, is the only location to get up to date builds and not via the sourceforge files area as I do NOT keep this up to date daily or any where near it.

    Remember these night builds are taken direct from the development sources and will contain code that may well not have been compiled let alone tested.

    When these builds get to a workable point in time, a copy of the current nightly build is put on to the sourceforge files area. This should be a good working version but remember it is still under test so some bugs may be present but should compile correctly without any errors.
    Should this not be the case please report any such issues.

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