
Will, can you maybe make a package of the CVS

  • Bryan Biedenkapp

    Can you or somebody else package the CVS in a tar.gz or a .zip? I wanna look at the code and try for a compile under DOS w/ DJGPP.

    • Lachlan M

      Lachlan M - 2001-12-18

      Its already on the site somewhere. can't remember the exact URL but I will have it for you this arvo. if you want you can browse around our directory on the shell to find it.

      we are beginning to use our copy of the xcc forum. go to our site ( and follow the side bar link to forums, then the link to the xcc forum. it's heaps easier cause you don't have to log in to post. :D

      cya there,

    • Lachlan M

      Lachlan M - 2001-12-18

      then download will rules

      should be noted there is a plan in motion to swap to delphi/kylix.

      hello again synegy34!

    • Bryan Biedenkapp

      heh thanx, I'll take a peek at it.


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