
recorded comma , replay will be < ...

emily ning
  • emily ning

    emily ning - 2010-03-12

    All our tests were written in Windows,
    When we replayed it  In Redhat linux 5.2.01, It will turn all commas to <
    Is there any reason for that.

  • Timothy Wall

    Timothy Wall - 2010-03-12

    Replied to this on abbot-users.  Notice that on US keyboards, comma and less-than are on the same key.  Do your machines have different keymaps, or is there a shift modifier in play?

  • emily ning

    emily ning - 2010-03-13

    Hi twall

      I have not used a shift modifier, and it work well in Windows when replaying
      The problem sentence is:
      KeyString(Enter SQL Statement:,select department_id, avg(salary) from employees where salary < 10000 group by department_id having avg(salary) > 3000 order by avg(salary))

      Target Class name: actionKeyString

      Enter SQL Statement: is the component for me to enter into


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