Hibernate's core object/relational mapping functionality
An XMPP server licensed under the Open Source Apache License
Test automation made simple
Arduino command line tool
Command Line Apps Script Projects
Package that gives Python programmers integration with .NET Common CLR
Goose is a developer agent that operates from your command line
Context sensitive completion for OCaml in Vim and Emacs
Cake (C# Make) is a cross platform build automation system
Authoring GitHub Actions workflows in Kotlin
When Gradle or the IDE let you down, just --nuke all them caches
Install ham radio software on Debian Live, RPi OS, or Ubuntu Linux
Tinn-R Editor - GUI for R Language and Environment
ODABA is an terminology-oriented database management system and develo
A simple, procedural programming language.
Pequeño IDE para el lenguaje JMEScript.
an object-oriented language with late binding
Evaluador de expresiones matemáticas para Java en español
Universal Runtime Environment
App to easily query, script, and visualize data from every database
Gentoo for All Android ARM, based on EPREFIX
IDLE Extensions
sync gas code to github
Python controlled hardware.