Explore and dissect a complete brain model in VR
ChIP-BIT2 detects weak binding sites of TFs or HMs.
Custom ROMs for Xiaomi Mi5 (Gemini)
iClassicMDM offered by ETS is a Master Data Platform for all.
Rapid development application engine based on Yii2 advanced framework
Blur Studio APIs, Libraries and Tools
FIFA 16 scoutig footballers estimation
Raptor - Web application firewall [ Stable version ]
Sampling exactly from the normal and exponential distributions
Klassenbibliothek für Qt
BLAKE2 cryptographic hash function for Windows 32-bits
Programa de bases de datos para confeccionar presupuestos
telnet server for all windows version
Copy payload data from Wireshark .pcap files(s) to file
this app is a reverse www shell for windows
Software gratuito per la verifica di elementi e connessioni in legno
Quaternion Viewer and Converter
Control your Frontier-Silicon Radio Devices from Windows Desktop
e.VERBOWx64 - A free Utility for Cornish Verbs coded in Microsoft C#
Sei lá, GUI
Coin Qoricoin
Code for a freshman seminar in animal behavior