Powerful desktop publishing software
jEdit is a programmer's text editor written in Java.
Text Editor based on Intel ISIS-II aedit
A Shell Script for Quizzing the whole class of students and log result
Modular XSL-FO Implementation for Java.
XML text markup for ancient documents
Portable multi-file text editor & the smallest full-function vi clone
Six key approach to producing print materials.
SC is a C based meta/programming language/environment
A text editor that works like you'd expect
A syntax highlighting, code folding text component written in Swing
Launch an external diff tool like WinMerge in Eclipse
A note taking program with WebDAV sync
Encrypt and manage secret text data
CodeLite: an open source, cross platform C/C++/PHP and JavaScript IDE
PDF Library for Developers
Tools for developing qooxdoo Web apps
Electronic design and programming tools suite like Eagle, MpLab