78 programs for "dat file editor" with 2 filters applied:

  • Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now Icon
    Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now

    Instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels.

    With SOCRadar Labs’s Dark Web Report, instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels. SOCRadar gives you instant access to the dark web findings of your organization assets in the Free Dark Web Report. Don’t be intimidated by what you see in our free Dark Web report! You can use SOCRadar for free for 1 year and get relevant intelligence that will keep you one step ahead of threat actors.
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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • 1


    A hackable text editor for the 21st Century

    Atom is a text editor that's modern, approachable and full-featured. It's also easily customizable- you can customize it to do anything and be able to use it productively without ever touching a config file. Atom is free to download and runs on Linux, OS X and Windows with support for plug-ins written in Node.js and embedded Git Control. It is based on Electron (formerly known as Atom Shell),a framework for building cross-platform apps using Chromium and Node.js.
    Downloads: 182 This Week
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  • 2
    Apache OpenOffice

    Apache OpenOffice

    The free and Open Source productivity suite

    Free alternative for Office productivity tools: Apache OpenOffice - formerly known as OpenOffice.org - is an open-source office productivity software suite containing word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, graphics, formula editor, and database management applications. OpenOffice is available in many languages, works on all common computers, stores data in ODF - the international open standard format - and is able to read and write files in other formats, included the format used...
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    Downloads: 240,841 This Week
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  • 3
    Properties Editor

    Properties Editor

    Save time and effort of converting into Unicode through native2ascii

    Properties Editor can directly edit property files written in Unicode reference characters, eliminating the need to convert to Unicode. In addition to the usual editor functions, it can also be used as an Eclipse plug-in. When you unzip the file, when you unzip the downloaded zip file, a folder called eclipse will be created, and within that there will be folders called features and plugins. Copy this over the actual eclipse folder. Development using the properties file is performed...
    Downloads: 58 This Week
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  • 4
    Swiss File Knife

    Swiss File Knife

    One hundred command line tools in a small and portable binary.

    Create zip files, extract zip files, replace text in files, search in files using expressions, stream text editor, instant command line ftp and http server, send folder via network, copy folder excluding sub folders and files, find duplicate files, run a command on all files of a folder, split and join large files, make md5 checksum lists of files, remove tab characters, convert CR/LF, list newest or biggest files of a folder, compare folders, treesize, show first or last lines of a file, find...
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    Downloads: 320 This Week
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 5
    Kile LaTeX Editor

    Kile LaTeX Editor

    Kile is a feature-rich LaTeX editor

    Kile is a LaTeX editor, a TeX shell that simplifies the creation of LaTeX documents.
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    Downloads: 232 This Week
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  • 6
    xvi, a portable multi-file text editor

    xvi, a portable multi-file text editor

    Portable multi-file text editor & the smallest full-function vi clone

    Xvi is a portable multiple-buffer implementation of the UNIX editor `vi' for Atari ST, UNIX, MS-DOS, OS/2 and QNX. Project development has moved to http://gitlab.com/martinwguy/xvi and its web page is at http://martinwguy.net/xvi
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  • 7
    JE is a fast, feature rich and powerful programming editor written in Java. It has all features a modern editor must have, plus some more. JE can also be used as a editor panel in other Java applications or applets. For installation, just install Java, download the je.jar file, and start the program with "java -jar java.jar" on a command line. For more easy use, create a batch file on your system containing something like "javaw -jar java.jar %1" (Windows syntax shown). The editor...
    Downloads: 11 This Week
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  • 8


    wxMEdit, Cross-platform Text/Hex Editor, Improved Version of MadEdit

    •Added automatically checking for updates •Added bookmark support •Added right-click context menu for each tab •Added purging histories support •Added selecting a line by triple click •Added FreeBASIC syntax file •Added an option to place configuration files into %APPDATA% directory under Windows •Improved support for Find/Replace •Improved Mac OS X support •Improved system integration under Windows •Improved encoding detection result •Improved Hex editing support •Added more...
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    Downloads: 220 This Week
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  • 9


    MadEdit-Mod is a cross platform Text/Hex editor based on MadEdit

    Madedit-Mod is a cross platform text/hex editor base on MadEdit with a log of critical bug fix from me or other developers. A lot of new features were added, such as Drag-Drop Edit(cross platform), Highlight word, etc. The reason that I maintained this project is that the author of MadEdit had not worked on it for for a long time and I really like it and need more features. Find more information on Wiki pages. Currently supported Languages: English Chinese Simplified (zh_CN...
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    Downloads: 65 This Week
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 10


    Text Editor based on Intel ISIS-II aedit

    Text editor based on interface from Intel ISIS-II aedit, which in turn was based on its big brother alter. This was originally written in the mid 80s on QNX running on an 8088, with a CBM-64 acting as the console. I have used this on every UNIX system I have touched. A couple of things have not been implemented, (a) other - a feature to hold two files in memory (b) error on saving detected, the original ISIS-II would reboot if you attempted to write to a read-only disk, so this part just...
    Downloads: 1 This Week
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  • 11
    Ragna Scribe

    Ragna Scribe

    Multi-dimensional text editor in Java

    Ragna Scribe is a versatile text editor which can hold multiple documents at the same time and each document organises a set of articles in a tree order. The documents are based on the Treepad 2.7 format. They can be kept encrypted on a high-standard security level (uses the file format of Password Safe). Editor has data security measures like file mirroring and history files. Try it out!
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  • 12


    Advanced TECO dialect and interactive screen editor based on Scintilla

    SciTECO is an interactive TECO dialect, similar to Video TECO. It also adds features from classic TECO-11, as well as unique new ideas. Project development takes place at Github: https://github.com/rhaberkorn/sciteco
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  • 13


    Editor for Fixed Width, Csv and Existing Xml files.

    The RecordEditor is a Data File editor for Flat Files (delimited and fixed field position). It supports Unix / PC / Legacy (e.g. Mainframe) file formats, both Text and binary files. The Editor uses a Record-Layout description to format the files. This is ideal for Fixed width (Text or Binary) files, Cobol Data Files, Mainframe files and complicated Csv files. Cobol Copybooks can be used to format Cobol Data files. As well as an editor, The following utilities are supplied * Formatted...
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    Downloads: 70 This Week
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  • 14


    Editor for simple (only one record type) Csv Files.

    Editor for both Csv files and Fixed width files. There is automatic attribute detection for single record Csv Files. You can edit Fixed Width file and Multi-Record Csv / Fixed width files using a Xml Schema. There is also limited editing available for Xml and PO files.
    Downloads: 28 This Week
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  • 15
    PyEdit Editor

    PyEdit Editor

    Configurable Editor in Python

    PyEdit is a fully featured fast text editor written in Python. It can be used in any platform that has GTK. Because it is written in Python, it is easily configurable. Features code spell check and macro recording. Tested in Win/Lin/Mac --- Update: Using the editor full time V23 is mature enough for production --- Update: Had to downgrade to PyGTK 2.22.xx as 2,24,x had a double click message bug. (uploaded 22.2 to this project) --- Update: V33 is working as a champ. New features...
    Downloads: 1 This Week
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  • 16


    HTML/CSS/JS and Markdown Playground For Web Designers and Developers

    kodeWeave is a realtime coding playground for HTML, CSS and Javascript. Similar to JSFiddle and JSBin, but kodeWeave was made to work offline but also as a prototyping application to build applications for desktop operating systems while on mobile devices. (PhoneGap Build is recommended for mobile devices) kodeWeave similar to jsfiddle, jsbin, dabblet, liveweave, codepen, cssdeck, cssdesk, tinkerbin, d3 playground, plunker and pastebin, but allows you to export your web app as a desktop...
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    Downloads: 9 This Week
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  • 17
    The Text Trix editor is an open-source, cross-platform text editor with a mind for user-friendly file and text navigation. See our new GitHub home for the latest and greatest Text Trix development: https://github.com/the4thchild/texttrix
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  • 18


    Unix console full screen word processor

    Tree Writer easy unix console word processor full screen editor that edits raw ascii text files. It uses a text based interface that works well over terminal lines, designed for a 80x25 mono display. Includes spelling checker (english dictionary), on screen calculator and a file system that stores the documents apart from regular unix files. In that treewriter looks only for it's own kind of file and doesn't expose the user to whatever else is in it's path. (It uses a psuedo file system...
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  • 19


    A Java class library of general usability

    CalclipseLib is a jar file containing a variety of useful classes and packages. Among its most prominent APIs is the document iterator. This API enables easy implementation of text editor features like syntax highlighting. A program named X has been made as a demonstration of CalclipseLib. The program is a JavaScript editor based on Swing/JTextPane. In addition to coloring, X underlines Web URLs and allows them to be clicked. X can be downloaded (with source code) from the Files section...
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  • 20


    pykte is a simple text editor with support for unicode.

    pykte is a simple text editor with support for unicode and a few handy tools to aid in the input of characters in different languages. *Please note this project is still in alpha stage, there are still some issues to solve.
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  • 21
    TeX Creator

    TeX Creator

    A LaTeX editor with a built-in TeXSample service client

    TeX Creator is a simple LaTeX editor, which has all the necessary features of the text editor. It is also a client of the TeXSample service. TeX Creator is designed both for beginners and for professionals. TeXSample is an online service, which is for use in the environment of schools and institutions of higher education. With it, users can share the logically complete fragments of textbooks, such as theorems, examples, definitions, etc. In addition, TeXSample gives users a full-featured...
    Downloads: 5 This Week
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  • 22
    Pysed is a stream editor, is used to perform basic text transformations from a file or from pipeline. It reads text, line by line, from a file and replace, insert or print all text or specific area.
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  • 23
    Jaxe is a free Java XML editor with a configurable GUI, using XML schemas for validation and XSL for exports in HTML or XML.
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    Advanced multiplatform text editor for developers

    Notepas is a fast native multiplatform text editor written in Lazarus and can be compiled for multiple platforms and widget sets using the advanced native Free Pascal Compiler. Aimed towards developers it is equipped with some functions usually not found in other text editors and introduces a couple of new exclusive features.
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  • 25


    LaTeX, AscciMath and MathML editor developed in Javascript and HTML

    Visual Math Editor New Version “ It now offers more than 730 LaTeX symbols and 210 AsciiMath symbols. It now works in all modern browsers without plugin. It now works with LaTeX, AsciiMath, MathML and HTML syntaxes. It improves the ergonomics of the user interface.” VisualMathEditor is a LaTeX, AsciiMath and MathML editor developed in Javascript and HTML. It operates independently on the web or locally. It has many features and menus that help the equation-entry and allow...
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    Downloads: 29 This Week
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