Cross-platform BBS (ANSI) Terminal
Automate versioning and CHANGELOG generation
Scriptable data terminal which supports several interfaces.
A cross platform debugger for serial port/Bluetooth/TCP/UDP
A MUD client for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac OS X and Windows
Terminal based markdown note manager
Serial <-> TCP/IP, Serial <-> UDP/IP, TCP/IP <-> UDP/IP
Rxtx/Uart GUI
Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app.
Terminal and Web console for Kubernetes
Terminal client
quardCRT is a terminal emulation software.
Management & operating of AT-based (e.g. Sagem) mobile phones/modems
Track the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the command line
A hardware-accelerated GPU terminal emulator powered by WebGPU.
Terminal text colorizing and simplifies script coding.
Neovim as a TMUX replacement
Simplified EB CLI installation mechanism
Portable Unix shell commands for Node.js
Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command
Customizable science fiction terminal emulator
Command line monitoring for goroutines