Framework for GPU-accelerated video and image processing
An open source ambient light for many systems
FedEX (Fedora 29) Rpi3 for Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Model B+
Image preconfigured to run x86 windows apps
AndroidAuto headunit emulator
A powerful Spider(Web Crawler) system in Python
a computer interface to the Arduino I/O digital lines
A J2ME emulator for Windows, Linux, and Raspberry Pi
An open source search engine with RESTFul API and crawlers
Customized C# Intel 8080 emulator
Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 8Gb image, running rtl-sdr
raspbian-lite simple systemd service implementation using omxplayer
Supports writing Ada software for Cortex-M3, M4F boards
Learn Bash Shell Scripting in a Minute using this Collection of Script
360-FAAR Analyze FW1 Cisco Netscreen Policy Offline Using Config/Logs
A simple, handy network addressing multitool with plenty of features.
Android-x86 7.1.2/6.0.1/5.1.1 with GAPPS
An i2c to TCP/IP adaptor to allow easy remote control of an i2c bus.
"loop_daemon" - maintain a program running no matter what.
LFS that builds GNU/Linux %100 NON-STOP from GNU C 4.4 - Firefox-20.0