Service networking solution to connect applications across any cloud
Run Windows applications on Linux, BSD, Solaris, and Mac OS X
The safest way to store private data in untrusted (cloud) environments
Compare 2 different text or doc files to find the differences
Dynamic Extension for TCL/TK
Pioneering Private and Public Cloud Management since 2008
The OpenSolaris source base (OpenSolaris-ONNV) maintained version
Framework for bash 4
High performance, production quality STUN server and client library
Project moved to
Portable Build Environment and OSS Distro for Windows
Packages to create a Unix like environment under MS-Windows
Some custom builds of software that I use.
RhinoLINUX Lite is a powerful full featured OS that is easy to use
Scriptable frontend for media applications.
KeepItSimple: organize&integrate your tools in a non-/interactive menu
SarBox helps user to parse or analyze sar data