A Linux operating system targeting embedded devices
C++ Qt ORM (Object Relational Mapping) and ODM library
A cross-platform library that gives apps easy access to USB devices
Versatile Commodore Emulator
Open source flash program for STM32 using the ST serial bootloader
Manage and interpret IPMI systems with common a software tool
Multiplatform USB DFU host utility
Components for IEC61375 standardised communication
Chat Messenger. E-Mail-Client. Websearch. Filetransfer.
Delay-Tolerant Networking suitable for spacecraft and ground
A GUI system for embedded systems.
PHP strong authentication library, web interface & CLI, OATH certified
Python package to retrieve and manage data of the IMDb
Personnal or familly wiki with low ressource requirement.
Open Source middleware platform with FreeRTOS, processor abstraction
opkg for cmu mazda infotainment
AO RTOS is small real time OS based on Active Object concurrency model
JavaScript framework to build game engines, games, emulators and apps