A high quality MP3 encoder
Version 2 of the myFocuser Project
Next Version of Long Range Compression Program (lrzip)
Software development for 4Mb portable, using Z80 CPU and AA batteries
a self-contained development environment for embedded systems.
SIMD macro assembler unified for ARM, MIPS, PPC and x86
A microkernel-based multiserver operating system written from scratch.
Scanning Probe Microscopy Controller and Data Visualization Software
English Examples Projects for HC6800EM3 MCU devkit
OS bootable from Linux,Windows and others partitions as auxiliary OS
UNIX/LINUX and legal homebrew software on the xbox360 gaming console
Prolog to C compiler with runtime for DOS, Windows and Raspbian
A ZXMMC mass storage device FID driver for CP/M
Pattern-based multi/many-core parallel programming framework
A UNIX-like kernel for the i386 architecture
Mulithreading Arduno library
Run Linux on Windows or other OSes, natively.
The ultimate DOS XMS memory manager
cMIPS - an FPGA ready VHDL model for 5-stage pipeline, MIPS32r2 core
Crosos is a SubLinux Distribution