A free lightweight Windows Apache MySQL and PHP Server Solution.
A cross-platform GUI library
Multi-language source code documentation tool
Open Watcom C/C++ compilers and tools Fork
Mirror of: https://github.com/osdldbt/
A set of tools related to assembly language programming.
Perl Lib Database Connector
Run (or just build) single C or C++ source file
Free Lock Manager
Suffit Authorization Database
The full codebase of Feisty Meow® Concerns Ltd.
Software Unit Tests (Language Independent Approach)
PTP Management library to communicate with linuxptp using IEEE 1558.
console tools, batch scripts, shell scripts, shell tools, utilities
A port of WFOPT to the several scripting languages
FORTRAN and Fortran 90 HTML browsing with indexes.
CTK ToolKit library (CTKlib)
Regex Windows GUI app to help learn, create,& test Regular Expressions