Home directory configuration files for PL/SQL developers who use Vim
batch scripts for svn, svn command line binaries, scripts tests
Hexadecimal strings test tool
Learn Linux the easy way without the Linux kernel using the Windows OS
An implementation of interval arithmetic
Tables indexed by strings
The full codebase of Feisty Meow® Concerns Ltd.
engineering programmable calculator
Binary Modular DataFlow Machine (BMDFM)
A GUI library for designing gauges, meters, oscilloscopes, plotters
console tools, batch scripts, shell scripts, shell tools, utilities
Handling dimensioned values in Ada
Advanced TECO dialect and interactive screen editor based on Scintilla
Software Unit Tests (Language Independent Approach)
compiler manifest wrapper - adds manifest to your exe's if applicable
Compare 2 different text or doc files to find the differences
ra is a programming language and machine.
QtCreator plugin for some command line tools over a Qt (.pro) project.
Framework for development in the Oracle Database