Fast and easy app automation for iOS and Android developers
Reformats Java source code to comply with Google Java Style
Mobile-first, accessible components for React Native & Web
Open source Cardboard SDK and samples
Track your favorite TV shows and movies on Android devices
A Simple Todo app design in Flutter to keep track of your task
Automate your apps, games, and Android emulators
A complete native navigation solution for React Native
Accelerate cross-platform MR app development in Unity
A Floating Action Button Speed Dial implementation for Android
A shell script to convert any file or command output into a html table
Store and organize your text data and copy/paste them with one click
For Web Developers, Testers, Learners, End Users - Screenshots Below
A Custom Puppy Linux Live CD With Zerofree Utility x86 32Bit
A Shell Script for Quizzing the whole class of students and log result
Customizable toggle buttons inside a FlexboxLayout
Library to implement animated Material Dialog in android apps
Kotlin Serverless Framework
Android Progress Button
A library for fully animated Material Design components
A powerful library to manage fragmentation on Android
Material Design Floating Action Button in NativeScript apps
An android kotlin UI library for building beautiful animations
This is a UI lib for Android, effects like shining
A free simple responsive HTML email template