The convenient JavaScript snippet to create buttons
Framework for building Windows desktop applications
Console-based user interface toolkit for .NET applications
A collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel
Web app for browsing, reading and downloading eBooks stored in Calibre
A lightweight, extendable front-end developer tool for mobile web page
Google Cardboard XR plugin for Unity
Automate your apps, games, and Android emulators
Front-end low-code framework to generate various pages through JSON
Fast and easy app automation for iOS and Android developers
A JS-independent, tree-shakeable CSS framework
Track your favorite TV shows and movies on Android devices
Visualizes all aspects of compiled Java class files
A desktop Laravel admin panel app
Reformats Java source code to comply with Google Java Style
A virtual Apple Macintosh with System 8, running in Electron
One component to pick them all
Open source Cardboard SDK and samples
Promgen is a configuration file generator for Prometheus
A Web Component library
Your new smart clipboard manager
Maintainable configuration files
Pure go library for creating and processing Office Word documents
An inclusive, accessibility-first GUI
Clean Architecture Solution Template for .NET 6