Building a full-fledged code editor for iPad
Run VS code on a remote server
High-quality QR Code generator library in Java, TypeScript/JavaScript
Phoenix is a modern open-source Code Editor for the web
Sloc, Cloc and Code: scc is a very fast accurate code counter
Modern IDE and code editor from Microsoft for Mac, Windows, and Linux
Java Code Coverage Library
Repository for the Microsoft C/C++ extension for VS Code
C# support for Visual Studio Code (powered by OmniSharp)
An open source implementation of OpenAI's ChatGPT Code interpreter
Code Climate CLI
Code analyzer for C# and VB.NET projects
SonarSource Static Analyzer for Java Code Quality and Security
A tool for generating code based on a GraphQL schema and GraphQL ops
ORCID Open Source Project
Free, open-source text editor
Firebase SDK for Apple App Development
Java Language Support for Visual Studio Code
Dex to Java decompiler
Static code analysis
6x faster, stricter, configurable, and extensible
Local Lambda debug, CodeWhisperer, SAM/CFN syntax, etc.
.NET Decompiler with support for PDB generation, ReadyToRun, Metadata
Codiga Code Snippets Manager
Jupyter Interactive Notebook