The Pants Build System
Your entire server infrastructure at your fingertips
Exposing the JDK Flight Recorder as a Spring Boot Actuator Endpoint
Distributed Tracing, Metrics and Context Propagation for applications
[deprecated] KMongo - a Kotlin toolkit for Mongo
Web-based SSH console that centrally manages administrative access
Desktop search application
Expert System Tool
wxMEdit, Cross-platform Text/Hex Editor, Improved Version of MadEdit
Software Unit Tests (Language Independent Approach)
Terminal text colorizing and simplifies script coding.
Free Lock Manager
JMP plugin for encrypted remote terminal and file transfer
LIXA, LIbre XA, is a free and open source XA transaction manager
Compose Software Without Writing Any Programing Code
Command-line sql JDBC tool
C/C++ function instrumentation (AOP, exception/stack tracing, GC)
Android Tools is powerfull Software for your Android Phone.
A bash-Script to collect metrics from a Linux system.
PyUnit and PyDev extensions for arbitrary Executables
Extended Server Pages (XSP/XSPD) for UNIX or Linux, C-based
msfvenom shellcode generator/compiler/listenner