Showing 6 open source projects for "windows control"

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    OpenOCL Matlab

    OpenOCL Matlab

    Optimal control, trajectory optimization, model-predictive control.

    The Open Optimal Control Library is a software framework in Matlab/Octave for modeling optimal control problem. It uses automatic differentiation and fast non-linear programming solvers. It implements direct methods. In the backend it uses CasADi and ipopt.
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  • 2
    MIT SPHERES Simulation (Release)

    MIT SPHERES Simulation (Release)

    MIT's spacecraft simulator for control algorithm development

    The SPHERES simulation is designed to support most software-related aspects of single- and multi-satellite SPHERES operations. The simulation code base consists of simulated versions of most of the SPHERES core flight code and additional code that simulates dynamics, communications, and other environmental interaction. The simulation is particularly valuable during the early stages of algorithm development and implementation as an aid in accelerating the learning curve for any Guest...
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  • 3
    ACADO Toolkit

    ACADO Toolkit

    Toolkit for Automatic Control and Dynamic Optimization

    ACADO Toolkit is a software environment and algorithm collection for automatic control and dynamic optimization. It provides a general framework for using a great variety of algorithms for direct optimal control, including model predictive control, state and parameter estimation and robust optimization. ACADO Toolkit is implemented as self-contained C++ code and comes along with user-friendly MATLAB interface. The object-oriented design allows for convenient coupling of existing optimization...
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  • 4
    Rand Tree

    Rand Tree

    Random Tree Generator for MatLab

    RandTree is a MatLab based tree simulator program where the algorithm is based on Honda's model. We have used probabilistic generation of branches in order to simulate visually realistic tree structures. This program is designed to generate branching structures with bifurcation branching pattern (sympodial branching). By changing the probabilities and branching angles, you can generate different shapes of trees.
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    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

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    The Dutchroll project provides Open Source applications for Matlab and Simulink, with the emphasis on aerospace engineering. The main application is the Flight Dynamics and Control toolbox; other applications will be derived from that toolbox.
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    Tycho is a MATLAB package for mission analysis and ADCS applications

    ... that allows to numerically assess the effect of arbitrary perturbations by integrating Gauss equations. Atmospheric drag, Sun pressure and J2 gravity potential are implemented. c) a rendez-vous and docking module that uses Clohessy-Wiltshire equations to optimize rendez-vous and docking maneuvers, assess the effect of the target's gravity field and analyze the effect of position and velocity uncertanties. d) a Simulink ADCS simulator with a focus on control law design.
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