Showing 23 open source projects for "vehicle license plate"

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  • 1
    Rigs of Rods 0.4+

    Rigs of Rods 0.4+

    Soft-body physics simulator

    Rigs of Rods is a free/libre soft-body physics simulator mainly targeted at simulating vehicle physics. The soft-body physics system is based on mass-spring-damper theory. This is a mirror of the Rigs of Rods GitHub repository: The old SourceForge project can be found here:
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  • 2


    A simulator for drones, cars and more, built on Unreal Engine

    AirSim is an open-source, cross platform simulator for drones, cars and more vehicles, built on Unreal Engine with an experimental Unity release in the works. It supports software-in-the-loop simulation with popular flight controllers such as PX4 & ArduPilot and hardware-in-loop with PX4 for physically and visually realistic simulations. It is developed as an Unreal plugin that can simply be dropped into any Unreal environment. AirSim's development is oriented towards the goal of creating a...
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  • 3

    Pakoon 1

    A 3D vehicle physics programming project created by Mikko Oksalahti.

    Creator Mikko Oksalahti brings the second entry in the PAKOON! trilogy of games with a custom built physics engine, easy to use SDK, and a little humor tossed in to make this the "ultimate desert pizza delivery game". The player chooses a location and a vehicle, then they're tossed into the world with one objective: deliver pizzas. Drive (or fly) to your home base, pickup a hot 'zazz, then deliver it to your customer before it gets too cold. Don't forget to fuel up on petrol and kerosene...
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  • 4
    Lagrangian Dynamics NF Sims

    Lagrangian Dynamics NF Sims

    Articulated-body simulation engine written in C

    Articulated-body simulation engine written in C: based on the Lagrangian Dynamics, even if on a modified flavour of it, I deviced to make it more friendly in the context of numerical simulations. The overall simulation procedure (de facto a full 3D, an articulated-body simulaiton engine) is called: "Lagrangian Dynamics' New Flavour Simulations". It is delivered through sample-simulators relying on it. The modified falvour of the Lagrangian Dynamics here proposed is also a bit...
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    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

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  • 5
    GLScene ODE Vehicle

    GLScene ODE Vehicle

    Multi-axle Physically based Vehicle game

    Built using GLScene and Open Dynamics Engine, this vehicle game aimed to model the physics of steering as much as possible. It currently modeling wheeled vehicles with 2 to n number of axles. This project also includes a simple height field map editor to test the vehicle and opensteer for the steering automation. The height field map is also aimed to be deformable at game play. Currently built with Delphi XE2.
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  • 6
    New CTruck3D Rally

    New CTruck3D Rally

    Free-roaming 3D racing game featuring advanced terrain rendering

    ..., thought the basic idea is the seme. Similar to the old games Terep2 and "1nsane". I am an algorithmist, not a game developer: so it was hard for me to put this togather. But I did this tribute to videogames. Have lots of fun! KEYS: mouse: primary camera control arrows: drive vehicle ; SHIFT: turbo ; TAB: change car. o: change camera ; 1,2: zoom-in/out ; 3,4 : horizontal and vertical camera placement (internal view) u: respawn car c,v,f,r :secondary camera control. 8,9:plane drv
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  • 7


    Vehicle simulation with freedom of movement on large map (5x5km).

    Simple Linux game inspired by Terep2 and 1nsane written in C++ using SDL library based on my own physics engine (spring systems and rigid body dynamic simulation). Offroad Engine was part of my bachelor thesis at Czech Technical University in year 2006. This is updated version from 2008 with improved graphics and sounds. Game map was originally imported from OpenTTD (that's why roads are so perpendicular) but now I decided to start working on this project again and to add support for...
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  • 8
    vehicle simulator 3D in GameMaker

    vehicle simulator 3D in GameMaker

    simple 3D vehicle simulator done in GameMaker. Good control though

    simple 3D vehicle simulator done in GameMaker. IT is as much as possible bug-free, and it works well. Camera control and vehicle control are implemented with great care. This program serves as a reference material and reliable example for 2 tasks in 3D videogames: *hilly terrain as basis of game's environment *vehicles realistically drivable on hilly terrain. The package contains the Windows (XP or campatible) executable, and the folder with the Game Maker project. Hope it will be useful...
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  • 9


    collection of illustrative programs:small games, simulators: C, Matlab

    a collection of small and medium-sized simulation programs that I made explicitely for dydactic and/or documentation purposes. Browse the files, don't click on widnload because there are multiple zips!! All are related to rigidbody dynamics used to make vehicle simulators in the simplest way. Other types of programs may figure too: Snake or Tetris in C for showing the C programming style opted for the other, more specific programs. Possibly this is a link for supplying material to some...
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    Payroll Services for Small Businesses | QuickBooks

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  • 10


    full-blown GTA 3 -SA clone. Done in Game Maker. No missions though

    full-blown GTA 3 -SA clone. Done in Game Maker. The game implements relistically the possibility to get in various vehicles and go around, jump (also on houses and ramps). This is a sort of reference that shows to also to the geenral public (so not only C/C++ programming nerds) how such a thing is made: vehicles on hilly terrain, obstacles, and collision with them... environment with optimised viewdistance and day/night cycle (so I mean atmosphere).
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  • 11
    Lagrange Rally 3D

    Lagrange Rally 3D

    3D vehicle simulator based on Lagrangian dynamics to simulate dynamics

    3D vehicle simulator in which vechicle's configuration as a whole (articulated body) , is represented by a 'vector' of generalised coordinates. so concepts like usual position and orientation of main body and wheels is all defined by the generalised coordinates.Using Lagrangian dynamics, theese coordinates are evolving in time in a realistic manner according to F=ma but as if there were also all constraint forces concretasing the presence of joints: hinge, prismatic, rigid connection, etc. all...
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  • 12


    remake of the classic STUNTS game, but more realistic; more like GTA 3

    Sort of remake of the classic STUNTS[1990] driving game, but featuring many authentic elements, OpenGL graphics, and more realistic physics than the origianal, plus particular attention to internal view. It has all the features that CTruck3D has but it is much like GTA 3 ... can get on-off the vehicle, and one can climb on stunt-structures, and there are buildings on which one can jump. As soon as possible I wish to put more structures, and do better climb-on simulation. Of course heightmap...
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  • 13


    2D motorcycle simulator done using Lagrangian equations of motion

    2D simulation game using exlusively Lagrangian equations of motion. It's a 2D motocross game similar to X-Moto, ActionSupercross and such. Some stability issues persist but mostly it's good already. I shall compile it soon for Windows: one of the problems is that Windows compilers must periodically be reinstalled, and that's annoying. Using Lagrangians in games is not a well documented thing, but it allows to achieve exellent results in very little time, soon after a good parametrization...
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  • 14
    This projects is a (kinda) realistic vehicle racing simulation. It uses ODE for physics simulation, OpenAL++ for audio output and Irrlicht for graphics. It allows network multiplayer games.
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  • 15
    2D top down tank shooter game. Features multiple vehicle types and weapons. Also has multiple game types including deathmatch and a team objective based game.
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  • 16
    This project simulates some of the simpler Braitenberg vehicles. These vehicles demonstrate that simple constructions can lead to complex behavior. It also allows vehicle attributes to be configured.
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  • 17
    UniVeCS is a generic vehicle combat turn-based game system simulating a broad range of vehicles from starships and giant robots to cars and tanks in both single player and networked multi-player modes.
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  • 18
    Wheels of Lightning is an Open Source vehicle racing game that targets many different styles of races and competitions.
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  • 19
    RoboScout is a software that simulates realistic vehicle behaviour that drives by itself and avoids obstacles in a virtual world. Every instant, the vehicle decides by itself how to modify its speed and direction according to its environment.
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  • 20
    Titan GS Java (JTGS) turn based strategy game based on the Star Trek universe. This is the Java version. Eventually the game will even be fun, but now only exists as a vehicle for my education (it is a learning project), meaning it should always improve.
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  • 21
    A game based upon classic game 'Stunt Island(tm)'. Player can construct film sets with lights and props and cameras and perform vehicle stunts in planes, cars and boats.
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  • 22
    Launch vehicle simulator for use via web interface.
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  • 23


    SUV (4x4) vehicle Java 3d multiplayer game

    Toterreno is a SUV (4x4 or all terrain) vehicle 3D multiplayer game. It is written in pure java using the JOGL binding for OpenGL. It has the most realistic physics I could manage to code.
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