Easy and fast file sharing from the command-line
Fast IP and Port Scanner
File hashing tool using Adler32, CRC32, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512
Elegant and reliable profile data storage
GMR digital signature system
free internet radio on your desktop
Lock and unlock files easily in Windows
Cyborg Essenitals is Debian based Penetration Testing Distro
Simple but Powerful, Cross-Platform Password Management Utility
Latest-v1.1 of The World's most advanced pen testing distribution ever
Rich search software for Microsoft windows
(Android Forensics & Malware Analysis Included)
CodeName CIA Wheezy7.1 kali-linux IMPROVE 2 Darkc0d3 TOP-HAT-SEC Team
Windows Auto DNS Flush (batch file)
Encrypt files and folders or create your own encrypted text files.
Linux Security Distro for Data Forensics, Pen. Testing, and IR.
SkyDrive database synchronization plugin for KeePass