Calculates Curie temperature for honeycomb/hexagonal materials
Biomolecular electrostatics software
Application Integration for HPC Multiphysics
tumor epigenetic database
Allows the user to automatically create non-sensitive, sanitized CSVs
Sundew:a tcp/ip WMO switch, Sarracenia: next gen transfer engine.
Safe Harbor Deidentification for medical documents
Slurm Resource Manager for Rocks Clusters
a Toolset for Molecular Mechanical Force Field Parameterization
Xplico is a Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT)
Precise gear geometry generator for spur and helical gears
numerical simulation code for solving transport equations in 1D/2D/3D
Predicting Organic Reactions using Neural Networks.
the intelligent predictive text entry platform
Generating cells for electronic structure calculations from CIF files
Probabilistic Risk Assessment Tool
TCP Experiment Automation Controlled Using Python
Project moved to
COmputational fluid dyNamics STRUctured grid CreaTor for 2D airfoils
A simple Python framework for loosely-coupled multiphysics simulations
Transport code and tools based on SIESTA and TranSIESTA (DFT-NEGF)
Long read to rMATS