General Mission Analysis Tool
An open source software-defined GNSS receiver
Weld Optimization for Automatic Welding
A Matlab software to estimate Euler pole parameters
Advanced mission simulation and analysis tool
ReViSP, a 3D volume rendering MATLAB tool for multicellular spheroids
A matlab suite for Psycho-Physiological Modelling
Modeling and Simulation of mPBPK models
ReViMS, a 3D volume rendering tool for light-sheet/confocal microscopy
BIOTACT Whisker Tracking Tool
To automatically obtain mosaics of partially overlapping images.
Detection of Miniature Inverted Repeat Transposable Elements
A software tool for tracking fluorescent cells in 3D
Probabilistic natural mapping for gene based association study.
Educational open source tool for the design of geocentric orbits
LC-MS/MS data browser designed for siderophore analysis
Isotope assisted discovery of metal chelating agents from LC-MS data
Rapid Alignment Free Tool for Sequences Similarity Search
An automated controller testing tool
A matlab environment for model-based psychophysiology
Detection of Perfect and Imperfect Inverted Repeats
SRAM Memory Aging Simulator for Image/Video Processing Systems