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Open Source Particle Image Velocimetry and PIV Analysis
OpenPIV is an initiative of scientists to develop a software, algorithms and methods for the state-of-the-art experimental tool of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) which are free, open source, and easy to operate.
This is a MATLAB toolbox for the quality control and scoring of EMAP and SGA genetic interaction data. It includes a graphicaluserinterface and some automatic plot-generating tools.
Web Interface to Octave allows to run GNU Octave commands from a web browser. Application is written in PHP and needs SQL database. It supports user profiles, user-created functions, scripts.
The SELENA and RISe software tools are two packages to assist in computing earthquake damage scenarios. The damage probability for any specific structure follows the computation principles of HAZUS.
Lay a foundation for success with Tested Reference Architectures developed by Fortinet’s experts. Learn more in this white paper.
Moving to the cloud brings new challenges. How can you manage a larger attack surface while ensuring great network performance? Turn to Fortinet’s Tested Reference Architectures, blueprints for designing and securing cloud environments built by cybersecurity experts. Learn more and explore use cases in this white paper.
A way to use XFOIL for airfoil analysis with MATLAB. Utilizes Perl to provide a pty to interface with XFOIL and to parse results to send back to MATLAB. "MatPerlXFOIL: Half MATLAB, Half Perl. Half XFOIL. EXELSIOR!"
The Sick LIDAR Matlab/C++ Toolbox offers stable and easy-to-use C++ drivers for Sick LMS and Sick LD LIDARs. It provides a Matlab Mex interface for streaming LIDAR returns directly into Matlab. Also included are config utilities, examples, and tutorials.
primeHandle is a set of data management tools in support of the PrIMe Initiative ( primeHandle includes graphicaluser interfaces for searching through data collections, editing and submitting data to the PrIMe Data Depository.
A cross-platform library that computes fast and accurate SIFT image features. libsiftfast provides Octave/Matlab scripts, a command line interface, and a python interface (siftfastpy). Optimized with SIMD instructions and OpenMP .
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JOELib/JOELib2 is a cheminformatics library which supports SMARTS substructure search, descriptor calculation, processing/filtering pipes, conversion of file formats, 100% pure Java, and interfaces to external programs (e.g. Ghemical) are available.
While resting-state fMRI is drawing more and more attention, there has not been a software for its data analysis. Based on MATLAB, we developed a package named REST. Currently REST has three main functions: function connectivity, ReHo and ALFF.
EDA is GraphicalUserInterface and Matlab compiled application for filtration of LC-MS or GC-MS, based on probalistic methods. Including peaks and compounds segmentation with various visualizations. This software can be used for metabolomics, proteomics
The Matlab SRTM Library is designed to be an easy-to-use interface for importing and manipulating NASA's Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) dataset.
SPKtool is a toolbox developed on MATLAB which enables a user to perform spike (action potential of neurons) detection, spike sorting (manually or automatically) and spike train analysis.
Image Acquisition Dynamic Link Library for Matlab and C/C++. It is free acquisition tool for those who has no money for MATLAB(R) Image Acquisition Toolbox and want to capture images from FireWire cameras. It is based on CMU driver.
A soft-real-time hardware-in-the-loop simulation framework utilizing SysV IPC and Glade/GTK userinterface. For demonstration purposes, includes an implementation of a fixed timestep dynamic simulation of a power grid.
The Databionics ESOM Tools offer many data mining tasks using Emergent Self-Organizing Maps. Visualization, clustering, and classification of high-dimensional data using databionics principles can be performed interactively or automatically.
AutoSmooth is a compiled stand-alone graphicalinterface for signal and derivative extraction from time series with nonstationary noise structure. AutoSmooth is now part of the Signal Extraction Toolbox (SET).
ReactionLab is a software package aimed for a unified computer environment to kinetic modeling of chemical reaction systems. The present implementation is founded on Matlab and Java-Swing GUI, with an interface to legacy C (and Fortran) codes.
OpenOpt is FREE (GNU GPL v.2) MATLAB/Octave toolbox, powered by user-contributed solvers & ideas. Scaling, updating counters etc is performed by OpenOpt BaseModule.
Local & global solvers, easy interface, possibility of graphical output, etc, etc.
Octave interface to the finite elements library Libmesh. Under the scientific interpreted language Octave, Octmesh allows using the Libmesh characteristics for the numerical simulation of partial differential equations on serial and parallel platforms.
A user-friendly interface for running simulations of the gene networks comprising the circadian clock. Modules allow the simulation of experimental protocols with just a few mouse clicks. Users can fine-tune simulations to suit their particular interests.