Showing 86 open source projects for "only one"

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  • Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar Icon
    Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar

    See what hackers already know about your organization – and stop them from getting in.

    Enterprises need full-spectrum cyber intelligence—beyond social media and the dark web. SOCRadar monitors cloud buckets, dark web leaks, and external threats in real time. Automate takedowns, detect brand impersonations, and stay ahead of evolving attacks. Strengthen your security with Extended Threat Intelligence.
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • 1


    Google maps for block game

    A Minecraft pathfinder bot. Baritone is the pathfinding system used in Impact since 4.4. How to immediately get started: Type #goto 1000 500 in chat to go to x=1000 z=500. Type #mine diamond_ore to mine diamond ore. Type #stop to stop. For more, read the usage page and/or watch this tutorial playlist. For other versions of Minecraft or more complicated situations or for development, see Installation & setup. Also consider just installing Impact, which comes with Baritone and is easier to...
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  • 2


    VHDL 2008/93/87 simulator

    ... generator (LLVM, GCC or, x86_64/i386 only, a built-in one), it is much faster than any interpreted simulator. It can handle very large designs, such as leon3/grlib. GHDL runs on GNU/Linux, Windows and macOS; on x86, x86_64, armv6/armv7/aarch32, aarch64 and ppc64. You can freely download nightly assets, use OCI images (aka Docker/Podman containers), or try building it on your own machine.
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  • 3
    Doctor Dok

    Doctor Dok

    Doctor Dok is an AI based medical data framework

    Store, manage, and understand your medical history in one secure place that only you can access. Built to protect your privacy with full end-to-end encryption. Convert all your Blood Tests, MRI Scans, TK Scans, Visit reports, and Hospital Admission Reports to JSON, safely store in the cloud, and discuss, annotate, and translate them with AI. Doctor Dok is a secure storage, digitization, sharing, and AI discovery platform for all your family and/or folder health data. All health history...
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  • 4


    Mergo: merging Go structs and maps since 2013

    ... that in 0.3.2, Mergo changed Merge()and Map() signatures to support transformers. I added an optional/variadic argument so that it won't break the existing code. You can only merge same-type structs with exported fields initialized as zero value of their type and same-types maps. Mergo won't merge unexported (private) fields but will do recursively any exported one. It won't merge empty structs value as they are zero values too.
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 5
    Elasticsearch Node.js client

    Elasticsearch Node.js client

    Elasticsearch client library for Node.js

    Node.js client for Elasticsearch. The client versioning follows the Elastic Stack versioning, this means that major, minor, and patch releases are done following a precise schedule that often does not coincide with the Node.js release times. Language clients are forward compatible; meaning that clients support communicating with greater or equal minor versions of Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch language clients are only backwards compatible with default distributions and without guarantees made...
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  • 6
    Translate Shell

    Translate Shell

    Command-line translator using Google Translate, Bing Translator, etc.

    Translate Shell (formerly Google Translate CLI) is a command-line translator powered by Google Translate (default), Bing Translator, Yandex.Translate, and Apertium. It gives you easy access to one of these translation engines in your terminal. By default, translations with detailed explanations are shown. You can also translate the text briefly (only the most relevant translation will be shown). Translate Shell can also be used like an interactive shell; input the text to be translated line...
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  • 7


    An interactive viewer for three-dimensional chemical structures.

    Over 1,000,000 page views per month. Jmol/JSmol is a molecular viewer for 3D chemical structures that runs in four independent modes: an HTML5-only web application utilizing jQuery, a Java applet, a stand-alone Java program (Jmol.jar), and a "headless" server-side component (JmolData.jar). Jmol can read many file types, including PDB, CIF, SDF, MOL, PyMOL PSE files, and Spartan files, as well as output from Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC, VASP, CRYSTAL, CASTEP, QuantumEspresso, VMD, and many other...
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  • 8


    JavaScript-Based Molecular Viewer From Jmol

    .... JSmol can read all the files that Jmol reads. You can do all the scripting that Jmol does. You can create all the buttons and links and such that you are used to creating for Jmol. All of the rendering capability of the Jmol applet is there. JSmol has both a console and a popup menu. JSmol is integrated fully with JSME and JSpecView. A "lite" version of JSmol provides minimal functionality (balls and sticks only) for extremely small-bandwith apps. Released 1/12/2013
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    Python Calculator on Number Theory, three-birds-one learning material

    ... on Elementary Number Theory' (TAKAGI, Teiji) in Python-NZMATH language. The "notebook" is available together. It is designed for beginning students of algorithmic number theory to self-study Number Theory, Programming and scientific English together, three-birds-one learning material. It is possible only by running and reading the programs. You can get the notebook here: Visit our home page in detail:
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  • The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse Icon
    The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse

    Unlock faster queries without skyrocketing costs.

    ClickHouse powers businesses with the fastest open-source OLAP database, built for rapid analytics, observability, and business intelligence. Deploy on AWS, GCP, or your own VPC with BYOC, and query billions of rows in seconds – all cost-efficiently. Trusted by Sony, Lyft, and Cisco, it delivers unmatched speed, seamless stack integration, and enterprise-grade performance. Turn massive datasets into decisions with ClickHouse.
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  • 10

    Clifford Multivector Toolbox

    A toolbox for computing with Clifford algebras in MATLAB

    This is a toolbox (software library) for computing with matrices of Clifford algebra multivectors in MATLAB. It is designed to handle numerical computations with matrices as far as these are defined for matrices of multivectors. The toolbox is designed to work in the same way as MATLAB's own functions by overloading standard MATLAB functions with Clifford multivector versions. The toolbox can compute with any Clifford algebra with signature (p,q,r) but only with one algebra at a time. From...
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  • 11


    pyntcloud is a Python library for working with 3D point clouds

    This page will introduce the general concept of point clouds and illustrate the capabilities of pyntcloud as a point cloud processing tool. Point clouds are one of the most relevant entities for representing three dimensional data these days, along with polygonal meshes (which are just a special case of point clouds with connectivity graph attached). In its simplest form, a point cloud is a set of points in a cartesian coordinate system. Accurate 3D point clouds can nowadays be (easily...
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  • 12


    The Component Library Sorcerer

    WARNING: This project is under hard development and not intended for productive use yet but only for discussion. jCLS helps to create and maintain fine detailed component libraries for EDA tools like Altium Designer. It provides tools for data generation for masses of single parts from only the most necessary informations. Having good maintained and rich described and voluptuous detailed component libraries needs normally masses of time, work and discipline. jCLS comes here to save you from...
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  • 13


    A CLI tool for k-mer counting with all possible sizes of k at once

    ... frequency mers. Input files can be text or fasta format.The input alphabet now is only {A, C, G, T}. The input text files will be concerned as fasta format without description line. After counting and building the database of all possible length k of k-mer completed, User can choose in the menu any size of k to count a histogram, dump k-mers, query a substring, and summarize all possible k.
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  • 14


    C++ header-only library that simulates GLSL math

    GLSLmath provides C++ math operations as defined by GLSL. For example, it provides methods to easily setup viewing transformations and perspective projections. GLSLmath has been inspired by the glm and slmath libraries, which aim to mimic GLSL, but in contrast to those GLSLmath does not focus on a complete conforming implementation of GLSL. It rather aims to provide a convenient single header file that implements the most commonly used subset of GLSL so that it is easy to use for rapid...
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  • 15
    grafx - Extensible Java Graphics Package

    grafx - Extensible Java Graphics Package

    Extensible Line-drawing & Polygon-filling Rasterization Libs for Java

    ..., especially as related to line-drawing accuracy. Particular attention to detail concerning chopping of accumulation errors, using a cast from 64 bit to 32 bit strategy, in the interval [1.0,2.0). Individual pixel errors with overlapping polygons or line segments are about one in a billion, but I can't reproduce any errors at the moment by using random number generation with tens of millions of cases. Emphasis not only on correctness, but also on performance for real-world use or hardware implementation.
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  • 16
    xRxTx - Uart/Com

    xRxTx - Uart/Com

    Rxtx/Uart GUI

    ... 3. CONNECTED, check that the Serial ports are connected. Sometimes, the Serial ports that you try to connect may have been used by other applications. 4. USE, select a connected serial port for which the command is transmitted only. 5. Start p2p communication with each other, ex: SCPI... 6. If you want to make other Settings on the system, you can USE SYS to change
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  • 17
    JQM Java Quine McCluskey

    JQM Java Quine McCluskey

    JQM - Java Quine McCluskey for minimization of Boolean functions.

    Java Quine McCluskey implements the Quine McCluskey algorithm with Petrick’s Method (or the method of prime implicants) for minimization of Boolean functions. This software can be used both for learning and solving real problems. As a learning/teaching tool, it presents not only the results but also how the problem was solved as well as how to use Karnaugh Maps to solve the problem. Up to sixteen functions of sixteen variables can be minimized. A graphical interface is provided for entering...
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  • 18
    The FMI++ Library

    The FMI++ Library

    A High-level Utility Package for FMI-based Software Development

    The Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) specification intentionally provides only the most essential and fundamental functionalities in the form of a C interface. On the one hand, this increases flexibility in use and portability to virtually any platform. On the other hand, such a low-level approach implies several prerequisites a simulation tool has to fulfill in order to be able to utilize such an FMI component. The FMI++ library addresses this problem for models and tools with interfaces...
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  • 19
    Side Cutters

    Side Cutters

    Free CAD software

    ...#. Windows operating system functionality is never used, and the application is not on the Windows API but the GTK 3 API. This project will have no build system other than a simple *batch* or *bash* file. Its only dependency will be GTK 3. ## A table The user of the program will select components and edit the connections between them. This is done in a **table** He will press the *Generate* button with the *Side Cutter* icon and all the drawing's pages are generated automatically.
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  • 20
    xSMBus - Java I2C/SMBus API

    xSMBus - Java I2C/SMBus API

    USB Bridge for SMBus(I2C), GPIO, and Clock, Java API

    [Introduction] xSmbus-m01 is not only a Java API, but also a program that can be executed separately. The following are its function options: Need to be executed at the command prompt, java -jar /YourPath/xSmbus-m01-1.0p.jar Help - list the parameter table Verification - verify that the product is working properly Test - used for system maintenance, in advance Check - determine if there is a device on the I2C location Scan - search in the range of 00-FF, search out on the I2C bus all...
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  • 21
    This project will be a project that will be used by Speleologist (cavers) to help aid in the mapping of the underground world. It will be simple at first.. only allowing the entry of survey (dist/azmith/V-angle) and give back a line plot..
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  • 22


    Sampling exactly from the normal and exponential distributions

    ExRandom is a small header-only C++11 library for exact sampling from the normal, exponential, and discrete normal distributions (provided that the underlying generator is perfect). This library provides an implementation of the algorithms described in C. F. F. Karney, Sampling exactly from the normal distribution, ACM Trans. Math. Software 42(1), 3:1-14 (Jan. 2016),,
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    City of Hope CpG Island Analysis Pipeline

    COHCAP (City of Hope CpG Island Analysis Pipeline, pronounced "co-cap") is an algorithm to analyze single-nucleotide resolution methylation data (Illumina 450k methylation array, targeted BS-Seq, etc.). Please note: 1) The SourceForge version of COHCAP is no longer being updated. Please see the GitHub version: This was the source repository for the Bioconductor version, with some changes after the decision to only provide the code through GitHub...
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  • 24


    PubMed ID: 29562348 / DOI: 10.1093/nar/gky175

    ... using GSA-SNP2", Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 46(10), e60(2018). * PubMed ID: 29562348 * DOI: 10.1093/nar/gky175 -> PLEASE MOVE OR MAKE A COPY OF 'DATA' FOLDER INTO YOUR INTENSIVE TEST FOLDER (I.E. LINUX, MAC OR WINDOWS SPECIFIED FOLDER) TO ALLOW THE PROGRAM TO FIND THE PREDESIGNED DATA. * UPDATE NOTE: -> Sep-1-2020: add an update for Ubuntu-20.04. You will need Boost library installed (sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev) -> Mar-7-2018: revise header terms in the output file
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    Makes magic squares.

    .... For successful solutions, CompleteSquareSteps shows the steps of the search. The number exchanges at each step and the intermediate squares are written to files. MagicSquares does not require an input file. MagicSquares (only) also supports concentric and pandiagonal. (Pandiagonal succeeds only for small orders.) See:
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