Google maps for block game
Hibernate's core object/relational mapping functionality
A quality control analysis tool for high throughput sequencing data
A Distributed RESTful Search Engine
Data visualization analysis tool
Traccar GPS Tracking System
ROBOTIS Dynamixel SDK (Protocol1.0/2.0)
GeoServer repository
Google's software suite for combinatorial optimization Python SDK
Automate Clojure projects easily
Universal modeling and simulation of fluid mechanics upon ML
A Java library for technical analysis
An open source geocoder for openstreetmap data
Alibaba Java Diagnostic Tool
Mybatis common mapper, easy to use
An interior design application to draw house plans & arrange furniture
Enigma Encryption Simulator in Java
ML based QSAR Modelling And Translation of Model to Deployable WebApps
Geographic library
Toolkit for working with and mapping geospatial data
Open Source Computer Vision Library